--- - name: Pin borgmatic template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" owner: root group: root mode: u=rw,g=r,o= loop: - src: apt/list.j2 dest: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bullseye.list - src: apt/preferences.j2 dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/borgmatic-bullseye when: - ansible_distribution == "Debian" - ansible_distribution_major_version | int <= 10 - name: Don't pin borgmatic if we are on bullseye file: path: "/etc/apt/{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - sources.list.d/bullseye.list - preferences.d/borgmatic-bullseye when: - ansible_distribution == "Debian" - ansible_distribution_release == "bullseye" - name: Install borgmatic apt: name: borgmatic register: apt_result retries: 3 until: apt_result is succeeded - name: Create /etc/borgbackup file: path: /etc/borgbackup state: directory owner: root group: root mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o= - name: Create SSH key openssh_keypair: path: "/etc/borgbackup/id_remote" type: ed25519 regenerate: full_idempotence owner: root group: root mode: u=rw,g=,o= register: ssh_key - name: Gather server facts delegate_to: "{{ borg_server_host }}" setup: gather_subset: - all register: server_facts - name: debug debug: var: "server_facts['ansible_facts'].ansible_ssh_host_key_ecdsa_public_keytype" - name: Add server key to known hosts known_hosts: hash_host: true host: "{{ borg_server_host }}" key: "{{ borg_server_host }} {{ server_facts['ansible_facts']['ansible_ssh_host_key_' + item + '_public_keytype'] }} {{ server_facts['ansible_facts']['ansible_ssh_host_key_' + item + '_public'] }}" loop: - ecdsa - ed25519 - rsa - name: Add public key to remote delegate_to: "{{ borg_server_host }}" become: true authorized_key: exclusive: false user: "{{ borg_server_user }}" key: "{{ ssh_key.public_key }}" key_options: command="borg serve --restrict-to-path {{ borg_host_dir }}",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding vars: borg_host_dir: "/borg/{{ ansible_fqdn }}" - name: Create configuration direcotory for borgmatic file: state: directory owner: root group: root mode: u=rw,g=r,o= path: /etc/borgmatic - name: Add borgmatic configuration file become: true template: src: config.yaml.j2 dest: /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml owner: root group: root mode: u=rw,g=r,o= vars: borg_host_dir: "/borg/{{ ansible_fqdn }}" - name: Init repository command: borgmatic init --encryption repokey - name: Install timer and service for borgmatic template: src: "{{ item }}.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ item }}" owner: root group: root mode: u=rw,g=r,o= loop: - borgmatic.timer - borgmatic.service notify: - Run systemd daemon-reload - name: Run systemd deamon-reload systemd: daemon_reload: true - name: Start and enable borgmatic timer systemd: name: borgmatic.timer state: started enabled: true - name: Start and enable borgmatic service systemd: name: borgmatic.service state: started enabled: true - include_role: name: update_motd vars: key: 10-borgmatic message: Borgmatic (client) est installé dans /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml. ...