{{ ansible_managed | comment }} # HWADDR, PRINTFLOW, MARK, NFACCT (pour ct) ? {% set plugins = [ "ulogd2_inppkt_NFLOG.so", "ulogd2_filter_IFINDEX.so", "ulogd2_filter_IP2STR.so", "ulogd2_filter_PRINTPKT.so", "ulogd2_filter_PRINTPKT.so", "ulogd2_output_SYSLOG.so", "ulogd2_raw2packet_BASE.so", ] %} [global] logfile="syslog" loglevel=3 {% for plugin in plugins %} plugin="{{ ulogd2_plugins_dir }}/{{ plugin }}" {% endfor %} stack=log1:NFLOG,base1:BASE,ifi1:IFINDEX,ip2str1:IP2STR,print1:PRINTPKT,sys1:SYSLOG #stack=ct1:NFCT,ip2str1:IP2STR,nacct1:NACCT [ct1] #netlink_socket_buffer_size=217088 #netlink_socket_buffer_maxsize=1085440 #netlink_resync_timeout=60 # seconds to wait to perform resynchronization #pollinterval=10 # use poll-based logging instead of event-driven # If pollinterval is not set, NFCT plugin will work in event mode # In this case, you can use the following filters on events: #accept_src_filter=,1:2::/64 # source ip of connection must belong to these networks #accept_dst_filter= # destination ip of connection must belong to these networks #accept_proto_filter=tcp,sctp # layer 4 proto of connections [log1] group=10 #netlink_socket_buffer_size=217088 #netlink_socket_buffer_maxsize=1085440 #netlink_qthreshold=1 # set the delay before flushing packet in the queue inside kernel (in 10ms) #netlink_qtimeout=100 [sys1] facility=LOG_LOCAL2