global_defs { notification_email { } notification_email_from routeur-{{ apartment_block }}{% if 'backup' in inventory_hostname %}-backup{% endif %} smtp_server } vrrp_instance VI_ROUT_{{ apartment_block }}_IPv4 { {% if 'backup' in inventory_hostname %} state BACKUP priority 100 {% else %} state MASTER priority 150 {% endif %} # Interface used for VRRP communication. interface ens18 # Shared by MASTER and BACKUP virtual_router_id 4{{ apartment_block_id }} # Timeout in seconds before failover kicks in. advert_int 2 # Used to authenticate VRRP communication between master and backup. authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass {{ keepalived_password }} } smtp_alert virtual_ipaddress { # Routing subnet 10.129.{{ apartment_block_id }}.254/16 brd dev ens19 scope global # NATed subnet: wired{{ apartment_block_id }}/24 brd dev ens19 scope global # NATed subnet: wifi{{ apartment_block_id }}/24 brd dev ens19 scope global # Wired 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.0.254/16 brd 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.255.255 dev ens20 scope global # Wifi 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.0.254/16 brd 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.255.255 dev ens21 scope global } virtual_routes { # is Yggdrasil src 10.129.{{ apartment_block_id }}.254 to via dev ens19 } } vrrp_instance VI_ROUT_{{ apartment_block }}_IPv6 { {% if 'backup' in inventory_hostname %} state BACKUP priority 100 {% else %} state MASTER priority 150 {% endif %} # Interface used for VRRP communication. interface ens18 # Shared by MASTER and BACKUP virtual_router_id 6{{ apartment_block_id }} # Timeout in seconds before failover kicks in. advert_int 2 # Used to authenticate VRRP communication between master and backup. authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass {{ keepalived_password }} } smtp_alert virtual_ipaddress { # Routing subnet fe80::1/64 dev ens19 scope global {{ ipv6_base_prefix }}:129::{{ apartment_block_id }}:254/64 dev ens19 scope global # Wired fe80::1/64 dev ens20 scope global # Wifi fe80::1/64 dev ens21 scope global } virtual_routes { # For IPv6, the master router is routeur-aurore, NOT yggdrasil, # because yggdrasil doesn't support BGPv6 announcements. src {{ ipv6_base_prefix }}:129::{{ apartment_block_id }}:254 to ::/0 via {{ ipv6_base_prefix }}:129::0:254 dev ens19 } }