--- # Install and configure Dovecot - name: Install Dovecot apt: update_cache: true name: - dovecot-core - dovecot-imapd - dovecot-managesieved - dovecot-lmtpd - dovecot-ldap - dovecot-pop3d register: apt_result retries: 3 until: apt_result is succeeded # Create the vmail user with UID and GID 5000 - name: Create vmail user user: name: vmail uid: 5000 group: 5000 home: /var/vmail # Create mail user seive directory with right ownernship and rights - name: Create mail user sieve directory file: path: /var/vmail/sieve/global state: directory owner: vmail group: vmail mode: 0770 # Do the same for mailboxes - name: Create mail user mailbox directory file: path: /var/vmail/mailboxes state: directory owner: vmail group: vmail mode: 0770 # Add the Dovecot configuration files (conf.d) - name: Add Dovecot configuration in conf.d template: src: "conf.d/{{ item }}.j2" dest: "/etc/dovecot/conf.d/{{ item }}" mode: 0644 loop: - "10-auth.conf" - "10-mail.conf" - "10-master.conf" - "10-ssl.conf" - "10-logging.conf" notify: Restart dovecot # Add the Dovecot configuration file outside of conf.d - name: Add Dovecot configuration outside of conf.d template: src: "dovecot-ldap.conf.ext.j2" dest: "/etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-conf.ext" mode: 0600 # only legible by root owner: root group: root notify: Restart dovecot