{{ ansible_managed | comment("xml") }} {{ '{{placeholder "http.error.status_code"}}' }}

Erreur {{ '{{placeholder "http.error.status_code"}}' }}

Error {{ '{{placeholder "http.error.status_code"}}' }}

{{ '{{$http_code := atoi (placeholder "http.error.status_code")}}' }} {{ '{{if eq $http_code 502 503}}' }}

Whoops, the service is temporarily unavailable or under maintenance…
Try refreshing the page later.

{{ '{{else if eq $http_code 504}}' }}

Whoops, the service takes too long to respond…
Try refreshing the page later.

{{ '{{end}}' }} {{ '{{if and (lt $http_code 600) (gt $http_code 499)}}' }}

If the problem persists, contact the Aurore technical team.

{{ '{{end}}' }} {{ '{{if eq $http_code 403}}' }}

Whoops, you are not allowed on this page.

{{ '{{else if eq $http_code 404}}' }}

Whoops, this page doesn't exist.

{{ '{{else if and (lt $http_code 499) (gt $http_code 399)}}' }}

Whoops, malformed request.

{{ '{{end}}' }}

Support ID: {{ '{{placeholder "http.error.id"}}' }}