default-lease-time 86400; max-lease-time 86400; # Option definitions common to all supported networks. option interface-mtu {{ mtu }}; option root-path "/"; # The ddns-updates-style parameter controls whether or not the server will # attempt to do a DNS update when a lease is confirmed. We default to the # behavior of the version 2 packages ('none', since DHCP v2 didn't # have support for DDNS.) ddns-update-style none; # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented. authoritative; log-facility local7; {% if dhcp_failover is defined %} include "/etc/dhcp/dhcp-failover.conf"; {% endif %} # Bornes WiFi subnet 10.{{ subnet_ids.ap }}.0.0 netmask { interface "ens19"; option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address 10.{{ subnet_ids.ap }}.255.255; option routers 10.{{ subnet_ids.ap }}.0.250; option domain-name ""; option domain-search ""; option domain-name-servers 10.{{ subnet_ids.ap }}.0.{{ dns_host_suffix_main }}, 10.{{ subnet_ids.ap }}.0.{{ dns_host_suffix_backup }}, {{ backup_dns_servers|join(', ') }}; include "/var/local/re2o-services/dhcp/generated/"; deny unknown-clients; } # Users filaire subnet 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.0.0 netmask { interface "ens20"; option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.255.255; option routers 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.0.{{ router_ip_suffix }}; option domain-name "fil.{{ apartment_block_dhcp }}"; option domain-search ""; option domain-name-servers 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.0.{{ dns_host_suffix_main }}, 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wired }}.0.{{ dns_host_suffix_backup }}, {{ backup_dns_servers|join(', ') }}; include "/var/local/re2o-services/dhcp/generated/dhcp.fil.{{ apartment_block_dhcp }}"; deny unknown-clients; } # Users WiFi subnet 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.0.0 netmask { interface "ens21"; option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.255.255; option routers 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.0.{{ router_ip_suffix }}; option domain-name "wifi.{{ apartment_block_dhcp }}"; option domain-search ""; option domain-name-servers 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.0.{{ dns_host_suffix_main }}, 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.0.{{ dns_host_suffix_backup }}, {{ backup_dns_servers|join(', ') }}; include "/var/local/re2o-services/dhcp/generated/dhcp.wifi.{{ apartment_block_dhcp }}"; pool { range 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.8.0 10.{{ subnet_ids.users_wifi }}.10.255; {% if dhcp_failover is defined %} failover peer "dhcp-failover"; {% endif %} } }