Monitor iLO using SNMP #89

erdnaxe merged 8 commits from prometheus_ilo into master 2021-12-31 18:40:20 +01:00
  • Use statics targets rather than lists dynamically loaded from JSON files. This simplify comprehension of Prometheus configuration and does not make Prometheus silentely fail when the JSON is malformed.
  • Merge what is in production in Ansible. Some part are from which is no longer mergeable.
  • Add ilo prometheus target to monitor HPE iLO using SNMP.
* Use statics targets rather than lists dynamically loaded from JSON files. This simplify comprehension of Prometheus configuration and does not make Prometheus silentely fail when the JSON is malformed. * Merge what is in production in Ansible. Some part are from which is no longer mergeable. * Add `ilo` prometheus target to monitor HPE iLO using SNMP.
erdnaxe added 4 commits 2021-12-31 14:45:50 +01:00
erdnaxe added 1 commit 2021-12-31 15:09:06 +01:00
erdnaxe force-pushed prometheus_ilo from 25f72e2295 to 50d9282316 2021-12-31 17:26:50 +01:00 Compare
erdnaxe added 1 commit 2021-12-31 17:27:55 +01:00
erdnaxe changed title from WIP: prometheus_ilo to Monitor iLO using SNMP 2021-12-31 18:32:16 +01:00
erdnaxe added 1 commit 2021-12-31 18:32:21 +01:00
jeltz approved these changes 2021-12-31 18:39:20 +01:00
jeltz left a comment


erdnaxe merged commit b81af51ccf into master 2021-12-31 18:40:20 +01:00
erdnaxe deleted branch prometheus_ilo 2021-12-31 18:41:36 +01:00
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Reference: aurore/ansible#89
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