Update re2o-service password #12

ynerant merged 1 commit from change-password into master 2021-02-05 22:19:31 +01:00

It's a good pratice to change periodically a password. This is the main reason that the re2o-service password got changed. Yes.

This script is working to deploy it everywhere:

set -e

# Grab valid unique hostnames from the Ansible inventory.
HOSTS=$(grep -ve '^[#\[]' hosts \
| grep -F adm.auro.re \
| sort -u)

# Ask password
read -s -p "What is your LDAP password? " passwd
read -s -p "What is the Re2o-service password? " re2o_passwd

SU_CMD="sed  's/password = .*/password = $re2o_passwd/' /var/local/re2o-services/config.ini > /tmp/toto && mv /tmp/toto /var/local/re2o-services/config.ini"
CMD="sudo -S su -c \"$SU_CMD\""

echo $CMD

for host in $HOSTS; do
  echo "[+] Handling host $host";
  echo $passwd | ssh $host $CMD || true

Signed-off-by: ynerant ynerant@crans.org

It's a good pratice to change periodically a password. This is the main reason that the re2o-service password got changed. Yes. This script is working to deploy it everywhere: ``` #!/bin/bash set -e # Grab valid unique hostnames from the Ansible inventory. HOSTS=$(grep -ve '^[#\[]' hosts \ | grep -F adm.auro.re \ | sort -u) # Ask password read -s -p "What is your LDAP password? " passwd echo read -s -p "What is the Re2o-service password? " re2o_passwd echo SU_CMD="sed 's/password = .*/password = $re2o_passwd/' /var/local/re2o-services/config.ini > /tmp/toto && mv /tmp/toto /var/local/re2o-services/config.ini" CMD="sudo -S su -c \"$SU_CMD\"" echo $CMD for host in $HOSTS; do echo "[+] Handling host $host"; echo $passwd | ssh $host $CMD || true done ``` Signed-off-by: ynerant <ynerant@crans.org>
ynerant added 1 commit 2021-02-05 22:19:13 +01:00
Signed-off-by: ynerant <ynerant@crans.org>
ynerant merged commit 71d7358bd7 into master 2021-02-05 22:19:31 +01:00
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Reference: aurore/ansible#12
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