From 261ccfeb5ca6f089f2fa389573331b97befb58ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeltz Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2023 21:36:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] WIP: misc: add eaton ups --- group_vars/all/vault.yml | 582 ++-- group_vars/infra/firewall.yml | 8 +- group_vars/prom/prometheus/eaton.yml | 11 + group_vars/prom/prometheus/main.yml | 2 + group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp.yml | 108 - group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/eaton.yml | 42 + group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/main.yml | 5 + group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/quanta.yml | 107 + .../ | 14 +- hosts | 6 +- roles/prometheus/templates/prometheus.yml.j2 | 159 - .../files/mibs/EATON-EMP-MIB.txt | 287 ++ .../prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-OIDS.txt | 193 ++ roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/XUPS-MIB.txt | 2750 +++++++++++++++++ roles/prometheus_snmp/tasks/main.yml | 3 + 15 files changed, 3711 insertions(+), 566 deletions(-) create mode 100644 group_vars/prom/prometheus/eaton.yml delete mode 100644 group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp.yml create mode 100644 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+62393135373632633064 diff --git a/group_vars/infra/firewall.yml b/group_vars/infra/firewall.yml index a1386bc..9289370 100644 --- a/group_vars/infra/firewall.yml +++ b/group_vars/infra/firewall.yml @@ -140,8 +140,14 @@ firewall__forward: protocols: icmp: true verdict: accept + # SNMP - src: monit - dst: sw + dst: + - sw + - ups + protocols: + udp: + dport: 161 verdict: accept # Alertmanager - src: monit diff --git a/group_vars/prom/prometheus/eaton.yml b/group_vars/prom/prometheus/eaton.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf5889c --- /dev/null +++ b/group_vars/prom/prometheus/eaton.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +prometheus__scraping_eaton: + targets: "{{ groups.eaton_ups }}" + address: + path: /snmp + params: + module: + - eaton + +prometheus__rules_eaton: {} +... diff --git a/group_vars/prom/prometheus/main.yml b/group_vars/prom/prometheus/main.yml index a08c7ef..34fb6be 100644 --- a/group_vars/prom/prometheus/main.yml +++ b/group_vars/prom/prometheus/main.yml @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ prometheus__scraping: bird: "{{ prometheus__scraping_bird }}" quanta: "{{ prometheus__scraping_quanta }}" snmp: "{{ prometheus__scraping_snmp }}" + eaton: "{{ prometheus__scraping_eaton }}" prometheus__rules: common: "{{ prometheus__rules_common }}" @@ -20,4 +21,5 @@ prometheus__rules: keepalived: "{{ prometheus__rules_keepalived }}" quanta: "{{ prometheus__rules_quanta }}" bird: "{{ prometheus__rules_bird }}" + #eaton: "{{ prometheus__rules_eaton }}" ... diff --git a/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp.yml b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 11a50fc..0000000 --- a/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ ---- -prometheus_snmp__modules: - quanta: - auth: - community: "{{ vault_snmp_quanta_community }}" - walk: - - interfaces - - ifXTable - - snAgGblQueueOverflow - - snAgGblDynMemTotal - - snAgGblDynMemFree - - snAgGblCpuUtil1SecAvg - - snAgGblCpuUtil5SecAvg - - snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg - - sysUpTime - - snAgentCpuUtilPercent - - snAgent - - snChasFan - - snChasPwr - - snAgentTemp - - snAgentCpu - - snSwInfo - - snSwIfInfoTable - - dot3StatsTable - - dot3HCStatsTable - - dot3Errors - - dot3Tests - - dot3CollTable - lookups: - - source_indexes: - - ifIndex - lookup: ifAlias - - source_indexes: - - ifIndex - lookup: ifDescr - - source_indexes: - - ifIndex - lookup: ifName - - source_indexes: - - snChasFanIndex - lookup: snChasFanDescription - - source_indexes: - - snAgentTempSlotNum - - snAgentTempSensorId - lookup: snAgentTempSensorDescr - - source_indexes: - - snSwIfInfoPortNum - lookup: snSwIfName - - source_indexes: - - snSwIfInfoPortNum - lookup: snSwIfDescr - - source_indexes: - - dot3StatsIndex - lookup: ifAlias - - source_indexes: - - dot3StatsIndex - lookup: ifDescr - - source_indexes: - - dot3StatsIndex - lookup: ifName - overrides: - ifIndex: - ignore: true - ifAlias: - ignore: true - ifDescr: - ignore: true - ifName: - ignore: true - ifOperStatus: - type: EnumAsStateSet - ifAdminStatus: - type: EnumAsStateSet - snChasFanIndex: - ignore: true - snChasFanDescription: - ignore: true - snChasPwrSupplyIndex: - ignore: true - snAgentTempSensorDescr: - ignore: true - snChasFanOperStatus: - type: EnumAsStateSet - snChasPwrSupplyOperStatus: - type: EnumAsStateSet - snSwIfName: - ignore: true - snSwIfDescr: - ignore: true - snSwIfVlanId: - ignore: true - snSwIfInfoPortNum: - ignore: true - snSwIfInfoMonitorMode: - type: EnumAsStateSet - snSwIfInfoMirrorPorts: - ignore: true - snSwIfInfoMediaType: - type: EnumAsInfo - ifType: - type: EnumAsInfo - dot3StatsIndex: - ignore: true - dot3StatsEtherChipSet: - ignore: true - dot3StatsDuplexStatus: - type: EnumAsStateSet -... diff --git a/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/eaton.yml b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/eaton.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaa6240 --- /dev/null +++ b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/eaton.yml @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +prometheus_snmp__modules_eaton: + version: 1 + auth: + community: "{{ vault_snmp_eaton_community }}" + walk: + - sysUpTime + #- upsBattery + #- xupsBattery + #- xupsInput + - xupsInput + - xupsOutput + - xupsBypass + - xupsEnvironment + - xupsBattery + - xupsConfig + lookups: + - source_indexes: + - xupsInputPhase + lookup: xupsInputName + - source_indexes: + - xupsOutputPhase + lookup: xupsOutputName + - source_indexes: + - xupsBypassPhase + lookup: xupsBypassName + overrides: + #upsBatteryStatus: + # type: EnumAsStateSet + xupsInputId: + type: EnumAsStateSet + xupsOutputId: + type: EnumAsStateSet + xupsBypassId: + type: EnumAsStateSet + xupsOutputSource: + type: EnumAsStateSet + xupsBatteryAbmStatus: + type: EnumAsStateSet + xupsContactType: + type: EnumAsStateSet +... diff --git a/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/main.yml b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e001ac --- /dev/null +++ b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +--- +prometheus_snmp__modules: + quanta: "{{ prometheus_snmp__modules_quanta }}" + eaton: "{{ prometheus_snmp__modules_eaton }}" +... diff --git a/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/quanta.yml b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/quanta.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..455bbd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/group_vars/prom/prometheus_snmp/quanta.yml @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +--- +prometheus_snmp__modules_quanta: + auth: + community: "{{ vault_snmp_quanta_community }}" + walk: + - interfaces + - ifXTable + - snAgGblQueueOverflow + - snAgGblDynMemTotal + - snAgGblDynMemFree + - snAgGblCpuUtil1SecAvg + - snAgGblCpuUtil5SecAvg + - snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg + - sysUpTime + - snAgentCpuUtilPercent + - snAgent + - snChasFan + - snChasPwr + - snAgentTemp + - snAgentCpu + - snSwInfo + - snSwIfInfoTable + - dot3StatsTable + - dot3HCStatsTable + - dot3Errors + - dot3Tests + - dot3CollTable + lookups: + - source_indexes: + - ifIndex + lookup: ifAlias + - source_indexes: + - ifIndex + lookup: ifDescr + - source_indexes: + - ifIndex + lookup: ifName + - source_indexes: + - snChasFanIndex + lookup: snChasFanDescription + - source_indexes: + - snAgentTempSlotNum + - snAgentTempSensorId + lookup: snAgentTempSensorDescr + - source_indexes: + - snSwIfInfoPortNum + lookup: snSwIfName + - source_indexes: + - snSwIfInfoPortNum + lookup: snSwIfDescr + - source_indexes: + - dot3StatsIndex + lookup: ifAlias + - source_indexes: + - dot3StatsIndex + lookup: ifDescr + - source_indexes: + - dot3StatsIndex + lookup: ifName + overrides: + ifIndex: + ignore: true + ifAlias: + ignore: true + ifDescr: + ignore: true + ifName: + ignore: true + ifOperStatus: + type: EnumAsStateSet + ifAdminStatus: + type: EnumAsStateSet + snChasFanIndex: + ignore: true + snChasFanDescription: + ignore: true + snChasPwrSupplyIndex: + ignore: true + snAgentTempSensorDescr: + ignore: true + snChasFanOperStatus: + type: EnumAsStateSet + snChasPwrSupplyOperStatus: + type: EnumAsStateSet + snSwIfName: + ignore: true + snSwIfDescr: + ignore: true + snSwIfVlanId: + ignore: true + snSwIfInfoPortNum: + ignore: true + snSwIfInfoMonitorMode: + type: EnumAsStateSet + snSwIfInfoMirrorPorts: + ignore: true + snSwIfInfoMediaType: + type: EnumAsInfo + ifType: + type: EnumAsInfo + dot3StatsIndex: + ignore: true + dot3StatsEtherChipSet: + ignore: true + dot3StatsDuplexStatus: + type: EnumAsStateSet +... diff --git a/host_vars/ b/host_vars/ index 8ac7af1..5892a9f 100644 --- a/host_vars/ +++ b/host_vars/ @@ -345,12 +345,6 @@ knotd__zones: - - 2a09:6840:128:0::110 - - - - - 2a09:6840:131::4:1 - - - - - 2a09:6840:131::4:2 network-1.pve: - 2a09:6840:209::1:1 - @@ -438,12 +432,18 @@ knotd__zones: gk-1.core.sw: #- 2a09:6840:207::2:1 - - ec-1.core.sw: + eb-1.core.sw: #- 2a09:6840:207::3:1 - r3-1.core.sw: #- 2a09:6840:207::4:1 - + + - 2a09:6840:201::3:1 + - + + - 2a09:6840:201::3:2 + - dnssec_policy: ripe diff --git a/hosts b/hosts index 1db0fd5..d29d2bd 100644 --- a/hosts +++ b/hosts @@ -11,9 +11,13 @@ +[eaton_ups] + [vpn] #vpn-[1:2] diff --git a/roles/prometheus/templates/prometheus.yml.j2 b/roles/prometheus/templates/prometheus.yml.j2 index 1f68d8a..cf4a3c0 100644 --- a/roles/prometheus/templates/prometheus.yml.j2 +++ b/roles/prometheus/templates/prometheus.yml.j2 @@ -3,162 +3,3 @@ {{ prometheus__config | to_nice_yaml }} ... - -{# -global: - # scrape_interval is set to the global default (60s) - # evaluation_interval is set to the global default (60s) - # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). - - # Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with - # external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager). - external_labels: - federated_instance: '{{ inventory_hostname }}' - -# Alertmanager configuration -# Use prometheus alertmanager installed on the same machine -alerting: - alertmanagers: - - static_configs: - - targets: ['{{ prometheus_alertmanager }}'] - -# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'. -rule_files: - - "alerts/*.yml" # Monitoring alerts, this is the file you may be searching! - -# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape: -# Here it's Prometheus itself. -scrape_configs: - - job_name: prometheus - static_configs: - - targets: - - localhost:9090 - -{% if prometheus_servers_targets is defined %} - - job_name: servers - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_servers_targets | to_json }} - relabel_configs: - # Do not put :9100 in instance name, rather here - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: __address__ - replacement: '$1:9100' -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_unifi_snmp_targets is defined %} - - job_name: unifi_snmp - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_unifi_snmp_targets | to_json }} - metrics_path: /snmp - params: - module: [ubiquiti_unifi] - relabel_configs: - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - target_label: __address__ - replacement: -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_ups_snmp_targets is defined %} - - job_name: ups_snmp - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_ups_snmp_targets | to_json }} - metrics_path: /snmp - params: - module: [eatonups] - relabel_configs: - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - target_label: __address__ - replacement: -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_switch_snmp_targets is defined %} - - job_name: switch_snmp - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_switch_snmp_targets | to_json }} - metrics_path: /snmp - params: - module: [procurve_switch] - relabel_configs: - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - target_label: __address__ - replacement: -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_docker_targets is defined %} - - job_name: docker - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_docker_targets | to_json }} - relabel_configs: - # Do not put :8087 in instance name, rather here - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: __address__ - replacement: '$1:8087' -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_postgresql_targets is defined %} - - job_name: postgresql - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_postgresql_targets | to_json }} - relabel_configs: - # Do not put :9187 in instance name, rather here - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: __address__ - replacement: '$1:9187' -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_apc_pdu_snmp_targets is defined %} - - job_name: apc_pdu_snmp - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_apc_pdu_snmp_targets | to_json }} - metrics_path: /snmp - params: - module: - - apc_pdu - relabel_configs: - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - target_label: __address__ - replacement: -{% endif %} - -{% if prometheus_ilo_snmp_targets is defined %} - - job_name: ilo_snmp - static_configs: - - targets: {{ prometheus_ilo_snmp_targets | to_json }} - metrics_path: /snmp - params: - module: - - ilo - relabel_configs: - - source_labels: [__address__] - target_label: __param_target - - source_labels: [__param_target] - target_label: instance - - target_label: __address__ - replacement: -{% endif %} -... -#} diff --git a/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-EMP-MIB.txt b/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-EMP-MIB.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3321da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-EMP-MIB.txt @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +EATON-EMP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN + +IMPORTS + MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 + FROM SNMPv2-SMI + DisplayString + FROM SNMPv2-TC + MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP + FROM SNMPv2-CONF + xupsEnvironment + FROM EATON-OIDS; + +eatonEMPMIB MODULE-IDENTITY + LAST-UPDATED "202005270000Z" + ORGANIZATION "Eaton Corporation" + CONTACT-INFO + "Eaton Power Quality Technical Support (PQTS) group + + Technical Resource Center phone numbers + United States: 1.800.843.9433 or 919.870.3028 + Canada: 1.800.461.9166 ext. 260 + All other countries: Call your local service representative." + DESCRIPTION + "The MIB module for Eaton Environment Monitoring Probes (EMP). + The elements of this MIB have been extracted from the + Eaton PowerMIB and placed in this separate MIB file for convenience. + + Copyright (C) Eaton Corporation (2007)." + + REVISION "202005270000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "xupsEnvRemoteCommunicationStatus is added, it reports the EMP communication status." + + REVISION "200703120000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Initial Version of eatonEMPMIB." + + ::= { xupsEnvironment 0 } + +-- ::= { enterprises 534 8 1 } +-- eatonEMPMIB { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) +-- enterprises(1) eaton(534) xupsMIB(1) xupsEnvironment(6) (0) } + +-- +-- EMP group +-- +-- The objects defined in this group are provided by the EMP. +-- They are Temperature and Humidity readings and alarming limits, +-- and the (two) contacts readings and setup information. +-- These objects are considered "Remote" since the EMP is a +-- separate probe from the Eaton device or gateway it is connected to. +-- +-- Notices/Traps: two different types of traps may be sent in response +-- to EMP changes, depending upon the type of device the EMP is attached to. +-- If connected to a UPS device, normally the PowerMIB traps are sent: +-- xupstdRemoteTempBad +-- xupstdRemoteHumidityBad +-- xupstdContactActiveNotice +-- xupstdContactInactiveNotice +-- If connected to a Toolkit-enabled PowerXpert Gateway, Toolkit traps are sent: +-- powerChainCriticalAlarm +-- powerChainCautionaryAlarm +-- powerChainAlarmAcknowledged +-- powerChainAlarmCleared +-- Both sets of traps are defined in their respective MIB files. + + +xupsEnvRemoteTemp OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..200) + UNITS "degrees Centigrade" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The reading of an EMP's temperature sensor." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 5 } + +xupsEnvRemoteHumidity OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The reading of an EMP's humidity sensor." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 6 } + +-- +-- The Environmental Contact Sensing Table +-- Contains the table for monitoring all contacts (digital +-- inputs, normally 2 in an EMP). +-- + +xupsEnvNumContacts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of Contacts in the xupsContactSenseTable. + This object indicates the number of rows in the + xupsContactSenseTable." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 7 } + +xupsContactSenseTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsContactsTableEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A list of Contact Sensing table entries. + The number of entries is given by the value of + xupsEnvNumContacts." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 8 } + +xupsContactsTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsContactsTableEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An entry containing information applicable + to a particular Contact input." + INDEX { xupsContactIndex } + ::= { xupsContactSenseTable 1 } + +XupsContactsTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsContactIndex Integer32, + xupsContactType INTEGER, + xupsContactState INTEGER, + xupsContactDescr DisplayString + } + +xupsContactIndex OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) + MAX-ACCESS read-only -- actually not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Contact identifier; identical to the Contact Number. + This object is not-accessible to MIB browsers, but had to be changed to + read-only to satisfy SMIv2 syntax checkers if it is included in traps." + ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 1 } + +xupsContactType OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + normallyOpen(1), -- or Input Normally High + normallyClosed(2), -- or Input Normally Low + anyChange(3), -- No normal Open/Closed state + notUsed(4) -- Contact not in service or not alarming + } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The normal state for this contact. The 'other' (not 'Normally') + state is the Active state for generating the xupstdContactActiveNotice + trap. If anyChange(3) is selected, then this trap is sent + any time the contact changes to either Open or Closed. + No traps are sent if the Contact is set to notUsed(4). + In many cases, the configuration for Contacts may be done by other + means, so this object may be read-only." + ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 2 } + +xupsContactState OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + open(1), + closed(2), + openWithNotice(3), + closedWithNotice(4) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The current state of the Contact input; + the value is based on the open/closed input state + and the setting for xupsContactType. + When entering the openWithNotice(3) and closedWithNotice(4) + states, no entries added to the xupsAlarmTable, but + the xupstdContactActiveNotice trap is sent." + ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 3 } + +xupsContactDescr OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A label identifying the Contact. This object should be + set by the administrator." + ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 4 } + +xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..200) + UNITS "degrees Centigrade" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Lower Limit of the EMP temperature; if xupsEnvRemoteTemp + falls below this value, the xupsRemoteTempBad alarm will occur." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 9 } + +xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..200) + UNITS "degrees Centigrade" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Upper Limit of the EMP temperature; if xupsEnvRemoteTemp + rises above this value, the xupsRemoteTempBad alarm will occur. + This value should be greater than xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 10 } + +xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Lower Limit of the EMP humidity reading; if xupsEnvRemoteHumidity + falls below this value, the xupsRemoteHumidityBad alarm will occur." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 11 } + +xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Upper Limit of the EMP humidity reading; if xupsEnvRemoteHumidity + rises above this value, the xupsRemoteHumidityBad alarm will occur. + This value should be greater than xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 12 } + +xupsEnvRemoteCommunicationStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + unknown(0), + communicationOK(2), + communicationLost(3) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The current communication status of the EMP." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 13 } + +-- +-- Traps / Notifications for the EMP in the PowerMIB style +-- The special EMP traps are not normally provided by Power Xpert Gateways (which use +-- the PXG-style traps instead) but could be provided by PowerMIB implementations +-- These are found in the PowerMIB: +-- xupstdContactActiveNotice +-- xupstdContactInactiveNotice +-- xupstdRemoteTempBad +-- xupstdRemoteHumidityBad + + +-- +-- Conformance-related definitions +-- +eatonEMPConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eatonEMPMIB 2 } + +eatonEMPGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsEnvRemoteTemp, xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, + xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit, + xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit, + xupsEnvRemoteCommunicationStatus } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The EMP scalar objects." + ::= { eatonEMPConformance 1 } + +eatonEMPTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsEnvNumContacts, xupsContactIndex, xupsContactType, + xupsContactState, xupsContactDescr } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The EMP Contacts Table objects." + ::= { eatonEMPConformance 2 } + + +eatonEMPSimpleCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The compliance statement for a normal EMP." + MODULE -- this module + MANDATORY-GROUPS { eatonEMPGroup, eatonEMPTableGroup } + ::= { eatonEMPConformance 4 } + + + + + +END + diff --git a/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-OIDS.txt b/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-OIDS.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac1d4e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/EATON-OIDS.txt @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +EATON-OIDS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN + +IMPORTS + MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI + Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI + TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; + +eaton MODULE-IDENTITY + LAST-UPDATED "201811130000Z" + ORGANIZATION "Eaton Corporation" + CONTACT-INFO + "Eaton Power Quality Technical Support (PQTS) group + + Technical Resource Center phone numbers + United States: 1.800.843.9433 or 919.870.3028 + Canada: 1.800.461.9166 ext. 260 + All other countries: Call your local service representative." + DESCRIPTION + "Assigns major branches from the root of + Eaton's OID tree (534). + + Copyright (C) Exide Electronics 1992-98 + Copyright (C) Powerware Corporation 1999-2004 + Copyright (C) Eaton Corporation (2005-)." + + REVISION "201811130000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignments for eatonSensor MIB." + + REVISION "201402190000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignments for stsMIB." + + REVISION "201001240000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignments for eatonEpdu and eatonEpduMa." + + REVISION "200906180000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignments for powerCmnd and OSDCIIMIB." + + + REVISION "200708060000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignments for pcdMIB and pxmMIB. + Added common Textual Conventions for Integers." + + REVISION "200707050000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignment for eatonEpduMIB. + Cleaned up file for public consumption." + + REVISION "200610150000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added assignments for powerChain and pxgMIB." + + REVISION "200605250000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Revised from the original assignments in XUPS-MIB.txt. + Note that enterprises.534. was originally assigned to Exide + Electronics before Powerware was acquired by Eaton." + + ::= { enterprises 534 } + +-- EATON-OIDS { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) +-- enterprises(1) eaton(534) } + + +-- The Powerware "PowerMIB" for UPSs +xupsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 1} +-- Define the Environment group here since it is used in the Eaton-EMP-MIB as well +xupsEnvironment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsMIB 6} + +-- +-- The root of the list of Object Identifiers that are used to +-- distinguish Eaton's SNMP agents (for use in sysObjId): +xupsObjectId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 2} + powerwareEthernetSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 1} + powerwareNetworkSnmpAdapterEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 2} + powerwareNetworkSnmpAdapterToken OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 3} + onlinetDaemon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 4} + connectUPSAdapterEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 5} + powerwareNetworkDigitalIOEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 6} + connectUPSAdapterTokenRing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 7} + simpleSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 8} + powerwareEliSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 9} + powerwareBasicEmbeddedEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 10} + eatonPowerChainGateway OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 11} + eatonPowerChainDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 12} + eatonPowerXpertMeter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 13} + + +-- Digital IO MIB (deprecated) +-- File XUPSIOV1.MIB +xupsIoMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 3} + +-- DataTrax Forseer and Powervision branch +powerVision OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 4} + +-- orphaned: BEEP (Basic Embedded Ethernet Product) +-- File XUPS-BASIC-MIB.txt +--xupsBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 5} + +-- A branch for Powerware Product MIBs +products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 6} + -- Product assignments + + pduAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {products 6} + -- pduAgent product assignments + -- File MIB_hdpdu.mib for HD PDU + hdpdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 2} + + -- MIB for Eaton PDU, first for 9315's 3-phase PDU + -- Defined in EATON-PDU-MIB.txt + eatonPdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 4} + + -- MIB for Eaton Powerware first-generation Managed ePDUs + -- Defined in EATON-EPDU-MA-MIB.txt + -- eatonEpduMa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 6} + + -- MIB for Eaton Powerware ePDUs + -- Defined in EATON-EPDU-MIB.txt + -- eatonEpdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 7} + + sensorAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {products 8} + -- sensorAgent product assignments + -- MIB for Eaton Sensors + -- Defined in EATON-SENSOR-MIB.txt + -- eatonSensor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sensorAgent 1} + + + dataCenter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {products 7} + -- dataCenter product assignments + environmentalMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCenter 1} + + +-- A branch for Eaton IT Department +itProjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 7} + pki OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {itProjects 1} + +-- A branch for PowerChain Product MIBs +powerChain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 8} + -- Product assignments + + -- MIB to support Alarms and Events in PowerXpert toolkit-enabled + -- Devices, Gateways, PXMeters + -- Defined in file EATON-PXG-MIB.txt + -- pxgMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerChain 1} + + -- MIB to support common measures in Power Chain Devices + -- Defined in file EATON-PCD-MIB.txt + -- pcdMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerChain 2} + + -- MIB to support power measures in Power Meters + -- Defined in file EATON-PWR-MTR-MIB.txt + -- pxmMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerChain 3} + +-- A branch for powercomand commercial control Product MIBs +powerCmnd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 9} + + -- Product assignments + -- MIB to support the OSDCII controller + -- Defined in file EATON-OSDCII-MIB.txt + -- osdcMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerCmnd 1} + +-- A branch for Eaton STS devices MIBs +sts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 10} + + -- Product assignments + -- MIB to support the data in STS devices + -- Defined in file Eaton-STS.MIB + -- stsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ats 1} + +-- Define some common Textual Conventions +-- PositiveInteger and NonNegativeInteger are borrowed from RFC1628 + PositiveInteger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION + DISPLAY-HINT "d" + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "This data type is a non-zero and non-negative value." + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) + + NonNegativeInteger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION + DISPLAY-HINT "d" + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "This data type is a non-negative value." + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + + + + END + diff --git a/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/XUPS-MIB.txt b/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/XUPS-MIB.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..272ca95 --- /dev/null +++ b/roles/prometheus_snmp/files/mibs/XUPS-MIB.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2750 @@ +XUPS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN + +IMPORTS + TimeTicks, Gauge32, Counter32, Integer32 + FROM SNMPv2-SMI + DisplayString + FROM SNMPv2-TC + MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE + FROM SNMPv2-SMI + MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP + FROM SNMPv2-CONF + sysName + FROM RFC1213-MIB + eaton, xupsEnvironment + FROM EATON-OIDS + -- Need to import these EMP objects to support PowerMIB-style traps for EMP + xupsContactIndex, xupsContactType, xupsContactState, xupsContactDescr, + xupsEnvRemoteTemp, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit, + xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, + xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit, xupsEnvRemoteCommunicationStatus + FROM EATON-EMP-MIB; + +xupsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY + LAST-UPDATED "202005270000Z" + ORGANIZATION "Eaton Corporation" + CONTACT-INFO + "Eaton Power Quality Technical Support (PQTS) group + + Technical Resource Center phone numbers + United States: 1.800.843.9433 or 919.870.3028 + Canada: 1.800.461.9166 ext. 260 + All other countries: Call your local service representative." + DESCRIPTION + "Defines Eaton's proprietary PowerMIB for UPS and + related device data. + + Copyright (C) Exide Electronics 1992-98 + Copyright (C) Powerware Corporation 1999-2004 + Copyright (C) Eaton Corporation (2005-)." + + REVISION "202005270000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "xupsEnvRemoteCommunicationStatus is added, it reports the EMP communication status. + Add a new value in enum xupsOutputStatus for the case the output is powered but no continuity feature." + + REVISION "202001230000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "xupsInputTable, xupsOutputTable and xupsBypassTable collection are + completed with the phase to phase voltage measure." + + REVISION "201909270000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "xupsOutputSource data can monitor the ESS mode." + + REVISION "201909120000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Provide new data that reflects some battery alarm : xupsBatteryFailure, + xupsBatteryNotPresent, xupsBatteryAged, xupsBatteryLowCapacity." + + REVISION "201909100000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Change the data xupsBatteryLastReplacedDate to read-only because the card + sets it automatically when the battery replacement is detected." + + REVISION "201904120000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Provide the status of the main AC Input in xupsInputStatus. + Provide the status of the AC Output in xupsOutputStatus and a new trap + and alarm 'load not protected' in xupsOutputNotProtected." + + REVISION "201903050000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Provide more UPS identification data as xupsIdentPartNumber and xupsIdentSerialNumber. + Provide a collection xupsAgent that contains identification data of the card : + xupsAgentManufacturer, xupsAgentModel, xupsAgentSoftwareVersion, xupsAgentPartNumber, + xupsAgentSerialNumber" + + REVISION "201902190000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "To ensure consistency whith the measures done on the UPS, the data following are renamed : + xupsInputAverageCurrent to xupsInputTotalCurrent, + xupsOutputAverageCurrent to xupsOutputTotalCurrent, + xupsBypassAverageCurrent to xupsBypassTotalCurrent." + + REVISION "201809120000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Add new data xupsInputId, xupsInputName, xupsInputCurrentHighPrecision in the table xupsInputTable. + Add new sub collection xupsInputTotal with xupsInputAverageVoltage, xupsInputAverageCurrent, + xupsInputTotalWatts, xupsInputTotalVA, xupsInputAveragePowerFactor inside. + Add new data xupsOutputId, xupsOutputName, xupsOutputCurrentHighPrecision, + xupsOutputPercentLoad, xupsOutputVA in the table xupsOutputTable. + Add new sub collection xupsOutputTotal with xupsOutputAverageVoltage, xupsOutputAverageCurrent, + xupsOutputTotalWatts, xupsOutputTotalVA, xupsOutputAveragePowerFactor inside. + Add new data xupsBypassId, xupsBypassName, xupsBypassCurrentHighPrecision, + xupsBypassWatts in the table xupsBypassTable. + Add new sub collection xupsBypassTotal with xupsBypassTotalAverageVoltage, xupsBypassAverageCurrent, + xupsBypassTotalWatts, xupsBypassTotalVA, xupsBypassTotalAverageFactor inside." + + REVISION "201804230000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Add new data xupsTestTrap, xupstdTestTrap that will allow to initiate a + test trap sent out from the agent to the trap receivers." + + REVISION "201211261513Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Add the identifier of measures xupsInputId, xupsOutputId and xupsBypassId, + respectively in the table xupsInputTable, xupsOutputTable and xupsBypassTable." + + REVISION "201204030000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Add new data xupsOutputHourlyPowerUsage, xupsOutputCumulativePowerUsage, + and xupsOutputCumulativePowerUsageTimer into the collection xupsOutput. + Add new data xupsRecepHourlyPowerUsage, xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsage, + and xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsageTimer into the collection xupsRecepTable." + + REVISION "201102250000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Add new data xupsSwitchable" + + REVISION "200810020000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added new values of batteryDisconnected(6), batteryUnderTest(7), + and checkBattery(8) to xupsBatteryAbmStatus." + + REVISION "200705030000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Added new value of pxg(5) to xupsSendTrapType + for Power Xpert Gateway implementations." + + REVISION "200703130000Z" + DESCRIPTION + "Initial SNMPv2-SMI-compliant Version of PowerMIB. + Incorporates all revisions of the original xups + MIB file through Version 3.13 21-May-04." + + ::= { eaton 1 } + +-- xupsMIB { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) +-- enterprises(1) eaton(534) xupsMIB(1) } + + +xupsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 1 } +xupsBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 2 } +xupsInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 3 } +xupsOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 4 } +xupsBypass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 5 } +-- xupsEnvironment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 6 } - defined in EATON-OIDS +xupsAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 7 } +xupsTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 8 } +xupsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 9 } +xupsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 10 } +xupsTrapControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 11 } +xupsRecep OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 12 } +xupsTopology OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 13 } +xupsAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 14 } + +xupsInputTotal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsInput 8 } +xupsOutputTotal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsOutput 9 } +xupsBypassTotal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsBypass 4 } + +-- +-- xupsIdent group: +-- +xupsIdentManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS Manufacturer Name (e.g. Eaton Corporation)." + ::= { xupsIdent 1} + +xupsIdentModel OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS Model (e.g. Powerware Plus Model 18)." + ::= {xupsIdent 2} + +xupsIdentSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The firmware revision level(s) of the UPS microcontroller(s)." + ::= {xupsIdent 3} + +xupsIdentOemCode OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A binary code indicating who the UPS was manufactured or labeled for. + 0 or 255 indicates Eaton itself." + ::= {xupsIdent 4} + +xupsIdentPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The catalog part number of the UPS device." + ::= { xupsIdent 5 } + +xupsIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The serial number of the UPS device." + ::= { xupsIdent 6 } + + +-- +-- xupsBattery group: +-- +xupsBatTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Battery run time in seconds before UPS turns off due + to low battery." + ::= { xupsBattery 1} + +xupsBatVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Volts DC" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Battery voltage as reported by the UPS meters." + ::= {xupsBattery 2} + +xupsBatCurrent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-2147483648..2147483647) + UNITS "Amps DC" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Battery Current as reported by the UPS metering. + Current is positive when discharging, negative + when recharging the battery." + ::= {xupsBattery 3} + +xupsBatCapacity OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Battery percent charge." + ::= { xupsBattery 4} + +xupsBatteryAbmStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + batteryCharging(1), + batteryDischarging(2), + batteryFloating(3), + batteryResting(4), + unknown(5), + batteryDisconnected(6), + batteryUnderTest(7), + checkBattery(8) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Gives the status of the Advanced Battery Management and Battery state; + batteryFloating(3) status means that the charger is temporarily + charging the battery to its float voltage; batteryResting(4) is the + state when the battery is fully charged and none of the other actions + (charging/discharging/floating) is being done. + checkBattery(8) indicates that the Battery state is uncertain + following a poor battery test result." + ::= { xupsBattery 5} + +xupsBatteryLastReplacedDate OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The date when the Batteries in this UPS were last replaced. Free text format, + so the preferred local date format may be used (MM/DD/YYYY, DD-Mon-YYYY, etc)." + ::= { xupsBattery 6} + +xupsBatteryFailure OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + yes(1), + no(2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates if a battery fault detected or battery tests failed." + ::= { xupsBattery 7} + +xupsBatteryNotPresent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + yes(1), + no(2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates if the UPS has no battery either internal or external." + ::= { xupsBattery 8} + +xupsBatteryAged OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + yes(1), + no(2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates if the battery is over aged." + ::= { xupsBattery 9} + +xupsBatteryLowCapacity OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + yes(1), + no(2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates if the battery capacity is below the threshold set in the UPS." + ::= { xupsBattery 10} + + +-- +-- xupsInput group: +-- +xupsInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "0.1 Hertz" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The utility line frequency in tenths of Hz." + ::= {xupsInput 1} + +xupsInputLineBads OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of times the Input was out of tolerance + in voltage or frequency." + ::= {xupsInput 2} + +xupsInputNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..6) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of input phases (normally 1 to 3)." + ::= {xupsInput 3} + +xupsInputTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsInputEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A list of input table entries. The number of entries + is given by the value of xupsInputNumPhases." + ::= {xupsInput 4} + +xupsInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsInputEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The input table entry containing the current, + voltage, etc. readings for one phase." + INDEX { xupsInputPhase } + ::= { xupsInputTable 1 } + +XupsInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsInputPhase Integer32, + xupsInputVoltage Integer32, + xupsInputCurrent Integer32, + xupsInputWatts Integer32, + xupsInputId INTEGER, + xupsInputName OCTET STRING, + xupsInputCurrentHighPrecision Integer32, + xupsInputVoltagePhaseToPhase Integer32 + } + +xupsInputPhase OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..6) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of the phase. Serves as index for input table." + ::= {xupsInputEntry 1} + +xupsInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input voltage from the UPS meters in volts." + ::= {xupsInputEntry 2} + +xupsInputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input current from the UPS meters in amps." + ::= {xupsInputEntry 3} + +xupsInputWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input real power in watts." + ::= {xupsInputEntry 4} + +xupsInputId OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + phase1toN (1), + phase2toN (2), + phase3toN (3), + phase1to2 (4), + phase2to3 (5), + phase3to1 (6) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "value indicates what measurement is being stored in this table row : + phase1 to neutral, phase2 to neutral, phase3 to neutral, + phase1 to phase2, phase2 to phase3, phase3 to phase1." + ::= { xupsInputEntry 5 } + +xupsInputName OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A descriptive name for the phase, example : L1/A for the phase 1." + ::= { xupsInputEntry 6 } + +xupsInputCurrentHighPrecision OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS tenth of Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input current from the UPS meters in tenth of amps." + ::= {xupsInputEntry 7} + +xupsInputVoltagePhaseToPhase OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input phase to phase voltage from the UPS meters in volts, + For the phase n, it is the measure of phase n to phase n+1 voltage." + ::= {xupsInputEntry 8} + +xupsInputSource OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + other(1), + none(2), + primaryUtility(3), + bypassFeed(4), + secondaryUtility(5), + generator(6), + flywheel(7), + fuelcell(8) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The present external source of input power. The enumeration + 'none(2)' indicates that there is no external source of + power, for example, the UPS is On Battery (an internal source). + 'primaryUtility' indicates the normal case of utility input power. + The 'bypassFeed' can only be used when the Bypass source is known + to be a separate utility feed than the primaryUtility(3). + 'secondaryUtility' indicates that a secondary utility feed is supplying + power (on a dual AC input UPS). + 'generator' indicates that input power is provided by a generator. + Note that the alternate energy sources of 'flywheel' and 'fuelcell' are + not necessarily AC input sources." + ::= { xupsInput 5 } + +-- xupsDualInputStatus and xupsSecondaryInputWatch would only be present +-- for UPSs with a secondary input source. + +xupsDualInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + bothSourcesBad(1), + primarySourceGood(2), + secondarySourceGood(3), + bothSourcesGood(4) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The present status of the sources of input power in a dual source UPS. + The enumeration primarySourceGood(2) indicates that the primary source + of power is present and within 'normal' ranges for voltage and + frequency, but the secondary source is either not present or not in an + acceptable range. + 'secondarySourceGood' indicates that only the Secondary power feed is + available and within its limits. + The enumeration bothSourcesGood(4) indicates that both sources are present + and within their respective 'normal' ranges; + bothSourcesBad(1) indicates that neither source is present, or, if present, + is not within acceptable ranges. + This object will only be implemented for UPSs with two sources of input + power, e.g., redundant AC feeds or a separate Bypass or Generator source. + The secondary source will not be an AC power source in all cases." + ::= { xupsInput 6 } + +xupsSecondaryInputWatch OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + disabled(1), + enabled(2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "This object enables(2) or disables(1) the alarms and traps related to the + availability and use of the secondary input of a dual-input UPS + (i.e., OnAlternatePowerSource and AltPowerNotAvailable). + To avoid nuisance alarms and traps, this object should be set to + disabled(1) when the UPS is not wired to a secondary source of power. + This object will only be implemented for UPSs with two sources of input + power, i.e., redundant AC feeds or a separate Bypass or Generator source." + ::= { xupsInput 7 } + +-- +-- xupsInputTotal group: +-- +xupsInputAverageVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input voltage from the UPS meters in volts. + Related to the phase 1 if the UPS is single phase, + either it is average of all the simple phase voltage." + ::= {xupsInputTotal 1} + +xupsInputTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS tenth of Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input current from the UPS meters in tenth of amps. + Related to the phase 1 if the UPS is single phase, + either it is average of all the simple phase current." + ::= {xupsInputTotal 2} + +xupsInputTotalWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input active power in watts. + Sum of all the simple phase watts." + ::= {xupsInputTotal 3} + +xupsInputTotalVA OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "VA" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured input apparent power in VA. + Sum of all the simple phase VA." + ::= {xupsInputTotal 4} + +xupsInputAveragePowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates the total power factor of the input in hundredths. + 0.92 would be returned as 92." + ::= { xupsInputTotal 5 } + +xupsInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + inputBad(1), + inputGood(2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The present status of the primary AC input of the UPS. + The enumeration inputGood(2) indicates that the primary source + of power is present and within 'normal' ranges for voltage and + frequency. + inputBad(1) indicates that neither source is present, or, if present, + is not within acceptable ranges." + ::= { xupsInput 9 } + +-- +-- xupsOutput group: +-- +xupsOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..200) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS output load in percent of rated capacity." + ::= {xupsOutput 1} + +xupsOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "0.1 Hertz" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured UPS output frequency in tenths of Hz." + ::= {xupsOutput 2} + +xupsOutputNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..6) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of metered output phases." + ::= {xupsOutput 3} + +xupsOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsOutputEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A list of output table entries. The number of entries + is given by the value of xupsOutputNumPhases." + ::= {xupsOutput 4} + +xupsOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsOutputEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Output Table Entry containing voltage, current, etc." + INDEX { xupsOutputPhase } + ::= {xupsOutputTable 1} + +XupsOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsOutputPhase Integer32, + xupsOutputVoltage Integer32, + xupsOutputCurrent Integer32, + xupsOutputWatts Integer32, + xupsOutputId INTEGER, + xupsOutputName OCTET STRING, + xupsOutputCurrentHighPrecision Integer32, + xupsOutputPercentLoad Integer32, + xupsOutputVA Integer32, + xupsOutputVoltagePhaseToPhase Integer32 + } + +xupsOutputPhase OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..6) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of the phase. Serves as index for output table." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 1} + +xupsOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output voltage from the UPS metering in volts." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 2} + +xupsOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured UPS output current in amps." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 3} + +xupsOutputWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured real output power in watts." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 4} + +xupsOutputId OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + phase1toN (1), + phase2toN (2), + phase3toN (3), + phase1to2 (4), + phase2to3 (5), + phase3to1 (6) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "value indicates what measurement is being stored in this table row : + phase1 to neutral, phase2 to neutral, phase3 to neutral, + phase1 to phase2, phase2 to phase3, phase3 to phase1. " + ::= { xupsOutputEntry 5 } + +xupsOutputName OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A descriptive name for the phase." + ::= { xupsOutputEntry 6 } + +xupsOutputCurrentHighPrecision OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS tenth of Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output current from the UPS meters in tenth of amps." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 7} + +xupsOutputPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..200) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The percentage of the UPS power capacity presently + being used on this output line" + ::= { xupsOutputEntry 8 } + +xupsOutputVA OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "VA" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured apparent output power in VA." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 9} + +xupsOutputVoltagePhaseToPhase OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output phase to phase voltage from the UPS meters in volts, + For the phase n, it is the measure of phase n to phase n+1 voltage." + ::= {xupsOutputEntry 10} + +xupsOutputSource OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + other(1), + none(2), + normal(3), + bypass(4), + battery(5), + booster(6), + reducer(7), + parallelCapacity(8), + parallelRedundant(9), + highEfficiencyMode(10), + maintenanceBypass(11), + essMode(12) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The present source of output power. The enumeration + none(2) indicates that there is no source of output + power (and therefore no output power), for example, + the system has opened the output breaker. + 'normal', 'bypass', and 'battery' indicate those common UPS statuses. + 'booster' and 'reducer' indicate boost or buck operation, for + line-interactive UPSs only. + 'parallelCapacity' and 'parallelRedundant' indicate a normal parallel + UPS system, in either Parallel for Capacity or Redundancy configuration. + 'highEfficiencyMode' is normal but enhanced by High Efficiency mode. + 'maintenanceBypass' indicates that the UPS is in Maintenance/Manual + Bypass mode. + 'essMode' is normal but enhanced by Energy Saver System. + 'other' covers any other, unusual conditions." + ::= { xupsOutput 5 } + +xupsOutputHourlyPowerUsage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Wh" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Units are Watt-hours.This is the energy consumed during the last hour." + ::= { xupsOutput 6 } + +xupsOutputCumulativePowerUsage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Wh" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Units are Watt-hours.This is the energy consumed since the last reset. + This object is writable so that it can be reset to 0. + When it is written to 0, the xupsOutputCumulativeWhTimer will be reset to 0 as well." + ::= { xupsOutput 7 } + +xupsOutputCumulativePowerUsageTimer OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter32 + UNITS "Seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Time in seconds since the cumulative power usage was last reset." + ::= { xupsOutput 8 } + +-- +-- xupsOutputTotal group: +-- +xupsOutputAverageVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output voltage from the UPS meters in volts. + Related to the phase 1 if the UPS is single phase, + either it is average of all the simple phase voltage." + ::= {xupsOutputTotal 1} + +xupsOutputTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS tenth of Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output current from the UPS meters in tenth of amps. + Related to the phase 1 if the UPS is single phase, + either it is average of all the simple phase current." + ::= {xupsOutputTotal 2} + +xupsOutputTotalWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output active power in watts. + Sum of all the simple phase watts." + ::= {xupsOutputTotal 3} + +xupsOutputTotalVA OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "VA" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output apparent power in VA. + Sum of all the simple phase VA." + ::= {xupsOutputTotal 4} + +xupsOutputAveragePowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates the total power factor of the output in hundredths. + 0.92 would be returned as 92." + ::= { xupsOutputTotal 5 } + +xupsOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + unknown(0), + outputNotPowered(1), + outputNotProtected(2), + outputProtected(3), + outputPoweredNoContinuity(4) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The present status of the AC output of the UPS. + The enumeration outputNotPowered(1) indicates that the output is not powered. + outputNotProtected(2) indicates that the output is powered but not protected, + due to following reasons : On bypass, battery fault, or UPS internal failure + that makes the ups will be inoperant in case of AC input failure. + outputProtected(3) indicates that the output is powered and protected. + outputPoweredNoContinuity(4) indicates that the output is powered but this + is a specific configuration of the device where the continuity feature is disabled." + ::= { xupsOutput 10 } + + +-- +-- xupsBypass group: +-- +xupsBypassFrequency OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "0.1 Hertz" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The bypass frequency in tenths of Hz." + ::= {xupsBypass 1} + +xupsBypassNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..6) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of lines in the UPS bypass table." + ::= {xupsBypass 2} + +xupsBypassTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsBypassEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A list of bypass table entries. The number of entries + is given by the value of xupsBypassNumPhases." + ::= {xupsBypass 3} + +xupsBypassEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsBypassEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Bypass Table Entry containing voltage for each phase." + INDEX { xupsBypassPhase } + ::= {xupsBypassTable 1} + +XupsBypassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsBypassPhase Integer32, + xupsBypassVoltage Integer32, + xupsBypassId INTEGER, + xupsBypassName OCTET STRING, + xupsBypassCurrentHighPrecision Integer32, + xupsBypassWatts Integer32, + xupsBypassVoltagePhaseToPhase Integer32 + } + +xupsBypassPhase OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..6) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Bypass Phase, index for the table." + ::= {xupsBypassEntry 1} + +xupsBypassVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured UPS bypass voltage in volts." + ::= {xupsBypassEntry 2} + +xupsBypassId OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + phase1toN (1), + phase2toN (2), + phase3toN (3), + phase1to2 (4), + phase2to3 (5), + phase3to1 (6) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "value indicates what measurement is being stored in this table row : + phase1 to neutral, phase2 to neutral, phase3 to neutral, + phase1 to phase2, phase2 to phase3, phase3 to phase1. " + ::= { xupsBypassEntry 3 } + +xupsBypassName OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A descriptive name for the phase." + ::= { xupsBypassEntry 4 } + +xupsBypassCurrentHighPrecision OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS tenth of Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured bypass current from the UPS meters in tenth of amps." + ::= {xupsBypassEntry 5} + +xupsBypassWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured real bypass power in watts." + ::= {xupsBypassEntry 6} + +xupsBypassVoltagePhaseToPhase OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured bypass phase to phase voltage from the UPS meters in volts, + For the phase n, it is the measure of phase n to phase n+1 voltage." + ::= {xupsBypassEntry 7} + + +-- xupsBypassTotal group: + +xupsBypassAverageVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured bypass voltage from the UPS meters in volts. + Related to the phase 1 if the UPS is single phase, + either it is average of all the simple phase voltage." + ::= {xupsBypassTotal 1} + +xupsBypassTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS tenth of Amps" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured bypass current from the UPS meters in tenth of amps. + Related to the phase 1 if the UPS is single phase, + either it is average of all the simple phase current." + ::= {xupsBypassTotal 2} + +xupsBypassTotalWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured bypass active power in watts. + Sum of all the simple phase watts." + ::= {xupsBypassTotal 3} + +xupsBypassTotalVA OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "VA" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The measured output apparent power in VA. + Sum of all the simple phase VA." + ::= {xupsBypassTotal 4} + +xupsBypassAveragePowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates the total power factor of the input in hundredths. + 0.92 would be returned as 92." + ::= { xupsBypassTotal 5 } + + +-- +-- xupsEnvironment group: +-- + +xupsEnvAmbientTemp OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..200) + UNITS "degrees Centigrade" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The reading of the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the + UPS or SNMP agent." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 1 } + +xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..200) + UNITS "degrees Centigrade" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Lower Limit of the ambient temperature; if xupsEnvAmbientTemp + falls below this value, the xupsAmbientTempBad alarm will occur." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 2 } + +xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..200) + UNITS "degrees Centigrade" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Upper Limit of the ambient temperature; if xupsEnvAmbientTemp + rises above this value, the xupsAmbientTempBad alarm will occur. + This value should be greater than xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 3 } + +xupsEnvAmbientHumidity OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) + UNITS "percent" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The reading of the ambient humidity in the vicinity of the + UPS or SNMP agent." + ::= { xupsEnvironment 4 } + +-- +-- Moved the EMP-based objects, +-- from xupsEnvRemoteTemp to xupsEnvRemoteCommunicationStatus +-- ( { xupsEnvironment 5 to 13 }, including xupsContactSenseTable, +-- to separate file Eaton-EMP-MIB.txt +-- + + + +-- +-- xupsAlarm group: +-- +xupsAlarms OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Gauge32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The current number of alarm conditions." + ::= {xupsAlarm 1} + +xupsAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsAlarmEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A list of alarm table entries. The number of entries + is given by the value of xupsAlarms. + Note that this table is sparsely (non-consecutively) + numbered and will be empty if there are no active alarms." + ::= {xupsAlarm 2} + +xupsAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsAlarmEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Alarm Table Entry containing descriptive information + for one alarm entry." + INDEX { xupsAlarmID } + ::= {xupsAlarmTable 1} + +XupsAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsAlarmID Integer32, + xupsAlarmDescr OBJECT IDENTIFIER, + xupsAlarmTime TimeTicks + } + +xupsAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A unique identifier for an alarm condition." + ::= {xupsAlarmEntry 1} + +xupsAlarmDescr OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A reference to an alarm description object. The object + referenced should not be accessible, but rather be used to + provide a unique description of the alarm condition." + ::= {xupsAlarmEntry 2} + +xupsAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX TimeTicks + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The value of the MIB-II variable sysUpTime when the alarm + condition occurred." + ::= {xupsAlarmEntry 3} + +-- +-- Well known alarm conditions. +-- +xupsOnBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 3} +xupsLowBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 4} +xupsUtilityPowerRestored OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 5} +xupsReturnFromLowBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 6} +xupsOutputOverload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 7} +xupsInternalFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 8} +xupsBatteryDischarged OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 9} +xupsInverterFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 10} +xupsOnBypass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 11} +xupsBypassNotAvailable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 12} +xupsOutputOff OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 13} +xupsInputFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 14} +xupsBuildingAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 15} +xupsShutdownImminent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 16} +xupsOnInverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 17} + + +xupsAlarmNumEvents OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Gauge32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of entries in the UPS event history queue." + ::= { xupsAlarm 18 } + +xupsAlarmEventTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsAlarmEventEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A table of the UPS internal event history queue." + ::= { xupsAlarm 19 } + +xupsAlarmEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsAlarmEventEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "One of the entries in the UPS event history queue." + INDEX { xupsAlarmEventID } + ::= { xupsAlarmEventTable 1 } + +-- The first 4 vars in the xAEEntry have been deprecated, since they resulted in +-- a flood of difficult to interpret data. They have been replaced by the single +-- entry, xupsAlarmEventMsg, which gives a human-readable description of the event. +XupsAlarmEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsAlarmEventID Integer32, + xupsAlarmEventDateAndTime DisplayString, + xupsAlarmEventKind INTEGER, + xupsAlarmEventDescr Integer32, + xupsAlarmEventMsg DisplayString + } + +xupsAlarmEventID OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..400) + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A unique number that reflects the order in which the event + occurred. The oldest event in the queue will be number 1. + Subsequent events will be numbered 2, 3, 4, etc." + ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 1 } + +xupsAlarmEventDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..22)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS deprecated + DESCRIPTION + "The time and date that an event occurred as recorded in the UPS + internal event queue. This string will reflect the time and + date as set in the UPS itself and will not be referenced to sysUpTime. + The format is MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MM:SS. Time is 24 hour standard." + ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 2 } + +xupsAlarmEventKind OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + occurred (1), + cleared (2), + unknown (3) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS deprecated + DESCRIPTION + "Enumerated value that tells whether the event is an + occurrence of an alarm condition or a clearing of an + alarm condition." + ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 3 } + +xupsAlarmEventDescr OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS deprecated + DESCRIPTION + "A description of the event stored in the UPS event queue. + This description will be a sixteen bit integer value + representing one of the defined alarms in the Powerware Binary + Computer Mode communication specification; for example, + a value of 0 represents the 'Inverter AC Over Voltage' + alarm (byte 1, bit 0 in the BCM Alarm Map)." + ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 4 } + +xupsAlarmEventMsg OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A text string describing each entry in the Event Log. The format of this + text message is free (not fixed) for the operator to read; good contents + would be a time & date stamp, the event type, and a description of the event." + ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 5 } + +-- +-- More Well known alarm conditions. +-- +xupsBreakerOpen OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 20} +xupsAlarmEntryAdded OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 21} +xupsAlarmEntryRemoved OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 22} + +-- Same as RFC 1628 Well Known Alarms: +xupsAlarmBatteryBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 23} +xupsOutputOffAsRequested OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 24} +xupsDiagnosticTestFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 25} +xupsCommunicationsLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 26} +xupsUpsShutdownPending OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 27} +xupsAlarmTestInProgress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 28} + +-- Alarm for the Ambient Temperature, when outside of lo/hi limits +xupsAmbientTempBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 29} + +-- For Loss of Redundancy in parallel systems +xupsLossOfRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 30} + +-- More Same as RFC 1628 Well Known Alarms: +xupsAlarmTempBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 31} +xupsAlarmChargerFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 32} +xupsAlarmFanFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 33} +xupsAlarmFuseFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 34} + +-- A Relay, Contactor, or Breaker has failed +xupsPowerSwitchBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 35} + +-- One module in a parallel or composite system has failed +xupsModuleFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 36} + +-- Two Alarms for systems with an Alternate Power Source, such as +-- Secondary utility feed (on a dual AC input UPS), generator, +-- flywheel, or fuelcell. Enabled by xupsSecondaryInputWatch. +xupsOnAlternatePowerSource OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 37} +xupsAltPowerNotAvailable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 38} + +-- Some Notice condition exists which is not covered by the other WKA +-- (like an xupsInternalFailure, but at a lower level of urgency) +xupsNoticeCondition OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 39} + +-- Alarms for the Remote Temperature & Humidity, when outside of lo/hi limits +xupsRemoteTempBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 40} +xupsRemoteHumidityBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 41} + +-- Last of the RFC1628 Well Known Alarms: +xupsAlarmOutputBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 42} +xupsAlarmAwaitingPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 43} + +-- Alarm for this important UPS mode +xupsOnMaintenanceBypass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 44} + +-- New alarms now managed by the Network-M2 card +xupsOutputNotProtected OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 51} + + +-- +-- xupsTest group: +-- + +xupsTestStart OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + testBattery (1), + noTestStarted (2), + testSystem (3), + testSecondarySource (4), + flashLightsTest (5), + cancelTest (6) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting this object initiates the requested Test. + The test types which a UPS might support are 'testBattery', + 'testSystem' (a UPS General Systems test, however defined by the UPS), + 'testSecondarySource' (test if the Secondary power source is good on a + dual input UPS), and + 'flashLightsTest' (start a test which flashes the UPS lights, and if + available, sounds the horn to help locate the UPS). + If a UPS does not support the requested test, the set operation may + succeed but the xupsTestBatteryStatus will end up as notSupported. + When read, this object indicates the last test requested via this object, + if any; 'noTestStarted' could be the initial value. + Currently only the 'flashLightsTest' can be canceled with 'cancelTest'." + ::= {xupsTest 1} + +xupsTestBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + unknown (1), + passed (2), + failed (3), + inProgress (4), + notSupported (5), + inhibited (6), + scheduled (7) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Reading this enumerated value gives an indication of the (last) + UPS Battery test status. + 'inhibited' means that the battery test could not be run. + 'scheduled' means that the battery test could not be run at the time + of request, but will be run at some later (UPS-determined) time." + ::= {xupsTest 2} + +xupsLastGeneralTest OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + noTestStarted (2), + testSystem (3), + testSecondarySource (4), + flashLightsTest (5) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates the last UPS test requested via xupsTestStart or by other + non-SNMP means, other than for the testBattery (1) case. + The results of the test indicated by this object are reported in + xupsLastGeneralTestResult." + ::= {xupsTest 3} + +xupsLastGeneralTestResult OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + unknown (1), + passed (2), + failed (3), + inProgress (4), + notSupported (5), + inhibited (6), + scheduled (7) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Reading this enumerated value gives the result of the test indicated + in xupsLastGeneralTest." + ::= {xupsTest 4} + +xupsTestTrap OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { startTestTrap (1) } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting startTestTrap to 1 will initiate a test trap + to be sent out from the agent. All other set values are invalid." + ::= {xupsTest 5} + + +-- +-- xupsControl group: +-- +xupsControlOutputOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS + output to turn off after the number of seconds. + Setting it to 0 will cause an attempt to abort a pending + shutdown." + ::= {xupsControl 1} + +xupsControlOutputOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS + output to turn on after the number of seconds. + Setting it to 0 will cause an attempt to abort a pending + startup." + ::= {xupsControl 2} + +xupsControlOutputOffTrapDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "When xupsControlOutputOffDelay reaches this value, a trap will + be sent." + ::= {xupsControl 3} + +xupsControlOutputOnTrapDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS deprecated + DESCRIPTION + "When xupsControlOutputOnDelay reaches this value, a + xupsOutputOff trap will be sent." + ::= {xupsControl 4} + +xupsControlToBypassDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS + output to go to Bypass after the number of seconds. + If the Bypass is unavailable, this may cause the UPS + to not supply power to the load. + Setting it to 0 will cause an attempt to abort a pending + shutdown." + ::= {xupsControl 5} + +xupsLoadShedSecsWithRestart OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting this value will cause the UPS output to turn off + after the set number of seconds, then restart (after a UPS-defined + 'down time') when the utility is again available. + Unlike xupsControlOutputOffDelay, which might or might not, + this object always maps to the XCP 0x8A Load Dump & Restart command, + so the desired shutdown and restart behavior is guaranteed to happen. + Once set, this command cannot be aborted. + This is the preferred Control object to use when performing + an On Battery OS Shutdown." + ::= {xupsControl 6} + +xupsSwitchable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + switchable (1), + notSwitchable (2) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Parameter which indicates whether UPS commands received via any + communication path (aside from manual controls) are able (switchable) + or not able (notSwitchable) to control the UPS." + ::= { xupsControl 7 } + +-- +-- xupsConfig group: +-- +xupsConfigOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The nominal UPS Output voltage per phase in volts." + ::= {xupsConfig 1} + +xupsConfigInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The nominal UPS Input voltage per phase in volts." + ::= {xupsConfig 2} + +xupsConfigOutputWatts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Watts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The nominal UPS available real power output in watts." + ::= {xupsConfig 3} + +xupsConfigOutputFreq OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "0.1 Hertz" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The nominal output frequency in tenths of Hz." + ::= {xupsConfig 4} + +xupsConfigDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..22)) + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Date and time information for the UPS. Setting this variable + will initiate a set UPS date and time to this value. Reading + this variable will return the UPS time and date. This value + is not referenced to sysUpTime. It is simply the clock value + from the UPS real time clock. + Format is as follows: MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MM:SS." + ::= { xupsConfig 5 } + +xupsConfigLowOutputVoltageLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Lower limit for acceptable Output Voltage, per the UPS + specifications." + ::= {xupsConfig 6} + +xupsConfigHighOutputVoltageLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "RMS Volts" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Upper limit for acceptable Output Voltage, per the UPS + specifications." + ::= {xupsConfig 7} + +xupsConfigInstallDate OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The date when this UPS was installed. Free text format, so the + preferred local date format may be used (MM/DD/YYYY, DD-Mon-YYYY, etc)." + ::= {xupsConfig 8} + + + +-- +-- xupsTrapControl group: +-- +xupsMaxTrapLevel OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + none (1), + critical (2), + major (3), + minor (4), + allTraps (5) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The level of severity of traps which will be sent to the + requesting host; individual trap receivers will have + individual values for this variable. Values are: + (1) none: no traps will be sent to this host; + (2) critical: only traps for Critical alarm conditions will + be sent to this host; + (3) major: Critical and Major traps will be sent; + (4) minor: All levels of alarming traps will be sent: Critical, + Major, and Minor + (This level was added in PowerMIB v3.11) + (5) allTraps: all Traps will be sent to this host + (Critical, Major, Minor, Informational)." + ::= {xupsTrapControl 1} + +xupsSendTrapType OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + stnd (1), + xups (2), + stndPlus (3), + xupsPlus (4), + pxg (5) + } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The type of traps which will be sent to the + requesting host; individual trap receivers will have + individual values for this variable. The additional + variables in types (3) and (4) are useful for determining + which UPS is the source on multi-port network adapters, + and for getting additional descriptive information. + Types (1) through (4) are all SNMP version 1 trap PDUs. + Values are: + (1) stnd: Traps as defined in the Standard UPS MIB (RFC1628) + and Generic (MIB II) traps as defined in RFC 1215. + (2) xups: xupsTrapDefined Traps as defined in the PowerMIB + and Generic (MIB II) traps as defined in RFC 1215. + (3 Deprecated) stndPlus: same as stnd plus variables from the interface + group and, where appropriate, xupsTrapMessage. + (4 Deprecated) xupsPlus: xupsTrapPortN Traps (same as xups plus + variables from the interface group) and, + for authFail, xupsTrapMessage. + (5 pxg: Traps as defined in the Power Xpert Gateway MIB + (PXG-MIB)." + ::= {xupsTrapControl 2} + +xupsTrapMessage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only -- actually not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A descriptive text message which may be sent with traps to + further explain the reason for the trap. + This object is not-accessible to MIB browsers, but had to be changed to + read-only to satisfy SMIv2 syntax checkers since it is included in traps." + ::= {xupsTrapControl 3} + +-- An Identifier for the PowerMIB traps +-- Used below in the section where the traps are defined +xupsTrapSource OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsTrapControl 4} + +xupsHeartbeatMinsInterval OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Minutes" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "How often to send the xupstdHeartbeat trap, in units of minutes. + A setting of 0 disables the Heartbeat function." + ::= {xupsTrapControl 5} + + + +-- +-- xupsRecep group: +-- +-- (Note that the terms Receptacle, Outlet, and Load Group are used interchangeably +-- here and all mean "one of a group of controllable, power-switched outputs") +-- +xupsNumReceptacles OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..64) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of independently controllable Receptacles, as described in the + xupsRecepTable." + ::= {xupsRecep 1} + +xupsRecepTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsRecepEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A list of receptacle table entries. The number of entries + is given by the value of xupsNumReceptacles." + ::={xupsRecep 2} + +xupsRecepEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX XupsRecepEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A receptacle table entry containing the status and + control values for one receptacle." + INDEX { xupsRecepIndex } + ::= { xupsRecepTable 1 } + +XupsRecepEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + xupsRecepIndex Integer32, + xupsRecepStatus INTEGER, + xupsRecepOffDelaySecs Integer32, + xupsRecepOnDelaySecs Integer32, + xupsRecepAutoOffDelay Integer32, + xupsRecepAutoOnDelay Integer32, + xupsRecepShedSecsWithRestart Integer32, + xupsRecepHourlyPowerUsage Integer32, + xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsage Integer32, + xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsageTimer Counter32 + } + +xupsRecepIndex OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of the Receptacle. Serves as index for Receptacle table." + ::= {xupsRecepEntry 1} + + +xupsRecepStatus OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + on(1), off(2), pendingOff(3), pendingOn(4), unknown(5), + reserved(6), failedClosed(7), failedOpen(8) } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Recep Status 1=On/Close, 2=Off/Open, 3=On w/Pending Off, + 4=Off w/Pending ON, 5=Unknown, 6=Reserved for future, + 7=Failed in Closed position, 8=Failed in Open position." + ::={xupsRecepEntry 2} + + +xupsRecepOffDelaySecs OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Delay until the Receptacle is turned Off. Setting + this value to other than -1 will cause the UPS output to + turn off after the number of seconds (0 is immediately). + Setting it to -1 will cause an attempt to abort a pending shutdown. + When this object is set while the UPS is On Battery, it is not necessary + to set xupsRecepOnDelaySecs, since the outlet will turn back on + automatically when power is available again." + ::= {xupsRecepEntry 3} + +xupsRecepOnDelaySecs OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Delay until the Receptacle is turned On. Setting + this value to other than -1 will cause the UPS output to + turn on after the number of seconds (0 is immediately). + Setting it to -1 will cause an attempt to abort a pending restart." + ::={xupsRecepEntry 4} + + +xupsRecepAutoOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..32767) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The delay after going On Battery until the Receptacle is + automatically turned Off. A value of -1 means that this Output should + never be turned Off automatically, but must be turned Off only by command. + Values from 0 to 30 are valid, but probably innappropriate. + The AutoOffDelay can be used to prioritize loads in the event of a prolonged + power outage; less critical loads will turn off earlier to extend battery + time for the more critical loads. If the utility power is restored before the + AutoOff delay counts down to 0 on an outlet, that outlet will not turn Off." + ::= {xupsRecepEntry 5} + +xupsRecepAutoOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..32767) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Seconds delay after the Outlet is signaled to turn On before the Output is + Automatically turned ON. A value of -1 means that this Output should never + be turned On automatically, but only when specifically commanded to do so. + A value of 0 means that the Receptacle should come On immediately + at power-up or for an On command." + ::= {xupsRecepEntry 6} + +-- xupsRecepAutoOnDelay has three purposes: +-- 1. To coordinate the automatic startup of various outlets, when the normal +-- auto-sequencing of 1 second per outlet is not adequate. For example, they may +-- be used to power up hard disk arrays before CPU units are started. +-- 2. To force additional 'Down Time' during xupsRecepOffDelaySecs commands, for +-- equipment to be reset, when the standard 'Down Time' is not long enough. +-- 3. For the -1 value, to ensure that loads won't be powered until commanded, +-- following power-up or a xupsRecepOffDelaySecs command. + +xupsRecepShedSecsWithRestart OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Setting this value will cause the UPS output to turn off + after the set number of seconds, then restart (after a UPS-defined + 'down time') when the utility is again available. + Unlike xupsRecepOffDelaySecs, which might or might not, + this object always maps to the XCP 0x8A Load Dump & Restart command, + so the desired shutdown and restart behavior is guaranteed to happen. + Once set, this command cannot be aborted." + ::= {xupsRecepEntry 7} + +xupsRecepHourlyPowerUsage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Wh" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Units are Watt-hours.This is the energy consumed during the last hour." + ::= { xupsRecepEntry 8 } + +xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsage OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) + UNITS "Wh" + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Units are Watt-hours.This is the energy consumed since the last reset. + This object is writable so that it can be reset to 0. + When it is written to 0, the xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsageTimer will be reset to 0 as well." + ::= { xupsRecepEntry 9 } + +xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsageTimer OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter32 + UNITS "Seconds" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Time in seconds since the cumulative power usage was last reset." + ::= { xupsRecepEntry 10 } + + +-- +-- xupsTopology group: +-- +xupsTopologyType OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32767) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Value which denotes the type of UPS by its power topology. Values are the + same as those described in the XCP Topology block's Overall Topology field." + ::= {xupsTopology 1} + +xupsTopoMachineCode OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32767) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "ID Value which denotes the Powerware model of the UPS for software. + Values are the same as those described in the XCP Configuration + block's Machine Code field." + ::= {xupsTopology 2} + +xupsTopoUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..64) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Identifies which unit and what type of data is being reported. + A value of 0 means that this MIB information comes from the top-level system + view (eg, manifold module or system bypass cabinet reporting total system + output). Standalone units also use a value of 0, since they are the 'full + system' view. + A value of 1 or higher indicates the number of the module in the system + which is reporting only its own data in the PowerMIB objects." + ::= {xupsTopology 3} + +xupsTopoPowerStrategy OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { + highAlert(1), standard(2), enableHighEfficiency(3), + immediateHighEfficiency(4) } + MAX-ACCESS read-write + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Value which denotes which Power Strategy is currently set for the UPS. + The values are: + highAlert(1) - The UPS shall optimize its operating state to maximize its + power-protection levels. This mode will be held for at most 24 hours. + standard(2) - Balanced, normal power protection strategy. UPS will not enter + HE operating mode from this setting. + enableHighEfficiency(3) - The UPS is enabled to enter HE operating mode to + optimize its operating state to maximize its efficiency, when + conditions change to permit it (as determined by the UPS). + forceHighEfficiency(4) - If this value is permitted to be Set for this UPS, + and if conditions permit, requires the UPS to enter High Efficiency + mode now, without delay (for as long as utility conditions permit). + After successfully set to forceHighEfficiency(4), + xupsTopoPowerStrategy changes to value enableHighEfficiency(3). + xupsOutputSource will indicate if the UPS status is actually operating in + High Efficiency mode." + ::= {xupsTopology 4} + + +-- +-- xupsAgent group: +-- +xupsAgentManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The card agent Manufacturer Name (e.g. Eaton Corporation)." + ::= { xupsAgent 1} + +xupsAgentModel OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The card agent model" + ::= {xupsAgent 2} + +xupsAgentSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The agent firmware version." + ::= {xupsAgent 3} + +xupsAgentPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The card agent catalog part number." + ::= { xupsAgent 4 } + +xupsAgentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..31)) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The card agent catalog serial number." + ::= { xupsAgent 5 } + + +-- ************************************************************************* +-- ************************************************************************* + +-- +-- Traps (xupst) +-- +-- 1) Eaton's traps have been defined in this MIB for three different sources. +-- The trap definitions for the three sources are very similar, +-- and use the same alarms as their triggers; their names are prefaced +-- by xupstb, xupstd, and xupstp to distinguish the three types +-- However, the products that the "Basic" and "Port Defined" trap types were +-- created for have been obsoleted, so the only trap types in active use +-- are the "Defined" (xupstd) traps listed below +-- The Obsolete types have been moved to file XUPS_Obsolete.mib +-- +-- a) OBSOLETE - Basic Agents for which the trap variables have not been +-- defined, though trap variables are included with the trap PDU +-- xupsNull OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 0 } +-- xupsTrapBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsNull 0 } +-- + +-- b) Agents with exactly Defined trap variables, which may be +-- used as input to trap response macros on management stations +-- This trap type is selected by setting xupsSendTrapType to xups(2) +xupsTrapDefined OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsTrapSource 1} +-- Following the recommendations for coexistence between v1 traps +-- and v2 notifications, define the snmpTrapOID base with a 0 +xupsTrapOidDefined OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsTrapDefined 0 } + +-- +-- c) OBSOLETE - Agents with Defined traps including ifIndex and ifDescr, +-- which can be used to determine which UPS of a multi-port +-- agent (eg, Eaton Network SNMP Adapter) sent the trap +-- This trap type was selected by setting xupsSendTrapType to xupsPlus(4) +-- xupsTrapPortN OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsTrapSource 2} +-- +-- 2) Trap Severity Level is given as a comment to indicate which +-- xupsMaxTrapLevel will result in this trap being sent; +-- levels are (in order): Critical, Major, Minor, Informational +-- + + +-- **************************************************************************** +-- **************************************************************************** +-- +-- Traps from xupsTrapDefined source (xupstd): +-- + +xupstdControlOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS output power will turn off in a number of + seconds equal to upsControlOutputOffTrapDelay." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 1 } + +xupstdControlOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS output power will turn on in a number of + seconds equal to upsControlOutputOnTrapDelay." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 2 } + +xupstdOnBattery NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS has no AC input power and is running on + battery." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 3 } + +xupstdLowBattery NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS batteries are low. Tied to low battery + alarm condition." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 4 } + +xupstdUtilityPowerRestored NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Input power has been restored after running on battery." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 5 } + +xupstdReturnFromLowBattery NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The battery has recovered from a low battery condition." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 6 } + +xupstdOutputOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups has sensed an overload of greater than + 106 percent. Tied to the 106% overload alarm." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 7 } + +xupstdInternalFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Some component of the ups - rectifier, inverter, + control panel has failed. Tied to alarms indi- + cating failure." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 8 } + +xupstdBatteryDischarged NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Battery Totally Discharged Alarm has occurred." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 9 } + +xupstdInverterFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups inverter is unavailable or malfunctioning due to an internal failure." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 10 } + +xupstdOnBypass NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups has gone on bypass for some reason." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 11 } + +xupstdBypassNotAvailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups bypass is unavailable" + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 12 } + +xupstdOutputOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups output is switched off." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 13 } + +xupstdInputFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups input power is incorrect in voltage, + frequency, or phase rotation." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 14 } + +xupstdBuildingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "One of the defined building alarms has occurred." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 15 } + +xupstdShutdownImminent NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups shutdown imminent alarm has occurred." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 16 } + +xupstdOnInverter NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups is returned to utility power running the inverter + after either a transfer to bypass or a run on battery." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 17 } + +xupstdBreakerOpen NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "One of the UPS breakers or contactors has been opened." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 20 } + +xupstdAlarmEntryAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms + (eg, an alarm defined in RFC1628) + has been added to the Alarm Table." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 21 } + +xupstdAlarmEntryRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms + has been removed from the Alarm Table." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 22 } + +xupstdAlarmBatteryBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "One or more batteries have been determined to require replacement." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 23 } + +xupstdOutputOffAsRequested NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS has shutdown as requested, i.e., the output is off." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 24 } + +xupstdDiagnosticTestFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The result of the last diagnostic test indicates a failure." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 25 } + +xupstdCommunicationsLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A problem has been encountered in the communications + between the agent and the UPS." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 26 } + +xupstdUpsShutdownPending NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An xupsControlOutputOffDelay countdown is underway." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 27 } + +xupstdAlarmTestInProgress NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A test is in progress, as initiated and indicated by the xupsTest Group. + When the test is complete, one of the following traps will be sent: + - xupstdDiagnosticTestFailed if the test fails, + - xupstdDiagnosticTestPassed on success, or + - xupstdAlarmEntryRemoved in other cases (e.g., Test Canceled)." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 28 } + +-- Provide additional information with the AmbientTemp trap +xupstdAmbientTempBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, + xupsEnvAmbientTemp, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, + xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ambient temperature, xupsEnvAmbientTemp, has fallen below + the set lower limit, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, or has risen above + the set upper limit, xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 29 } + +-- Added to support the ConnectUPS Web/SNMP card's ability to monitor contact(s) +xupstdContactActiveNotice NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsContactIndex, xupsContactType, xupsContactState, xupsContactDescr } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Contact indicated by xupsContactIndex is in its Active state. + The following are the situations that generate this trap: + For xupsContactType: and xupsContactState: + normallyOpen(1) and closedWithNotice(4) + normallyClosed(2) and openWithNotice(3) + anyChange(3) and openWithNotice(3) or closedWithNotice(4)" + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 30 } + +xupstdContactInactiveNotice NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsContactIndex, xupsContactType, xupsContactState, xupsContactDescr } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Contact indicated by xupsContactIndex has changed to its Inactive state." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 31 } + + +xupstdLossOfRedundancy NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A parallel UPS system is no longer operating in N+1 redundant mode; + this may be due to module failure or removal, or due to overloading." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 32 } + +xupstdAlarmTempBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An internal temperature is out of tolerance." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 33 } + +xupstdAlarmChargerFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An uncorrected problem has been detected within the UPS charger subsystem." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 34 } + +xupstdAlarmFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The failure of one or more fans in the UPS has been detected." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 35 } + +xupstdAlarmFuseFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The failure of one or more fuses has been detected." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 36 } + +xupstdPowerSwitchBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A Relay, Contactor, or Breaker has failed." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 37 } + +xupstdModuleFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "One module in a parallel or composite system has failed." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 38 } + +-- xupsInputSource added to this trap's var list +xupstdOnAlternatePowerSource NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, xupsInputSource } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The system is being powered by its Alternate Power Source, such as a + Secondary utility feed (on a dual AC input UPS), generator, flywheel, + or fuel cell." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 39 } + +xupstdAltPowerNotAvailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "On systems with a separate alternate power source (eg, dual AC inputs), + that alternate power source is currently not available. This could be + a problem if the primary power source (eg, utility) fails for a period + of time longer than that for which the internal batteries can supply power." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 40 } + +xupstdNoticeCondition NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Some Notice condition exists which is not covered by the other traps. + This is like an xupstdInternalFailure, but at a lower severity level." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 41 } + + +-- Added to provide additional information with the RemoteTemp and RemoteHumidity +xupstdRemoteTempBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, + xupsEnvRemoteTemp, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, + xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The remote temperature, xupsEnvRemoteTemp, has fallen below + the set lower limit, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, or has risen above + the set upper limit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 42 } + +xupstdRemoteHumidityBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, + xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, + xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The remote temperature, xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, has fallen below + the set lower limit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, or has risen above + the set upper limit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 43 } + + +xupstdHeartbeat NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsInputSource, xupsOutputSource, xupsAlarms } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A periodic status trap message. It is sent at an interval + set by object xupsHeartbeatMinsInterval. + The included variables provide a brief statement of the UPS status." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 44 } + +xupstdDiagnosticTestPassed NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsTestBatteryStatus, xupsLastGeneralTest, xupsLastGeneralTestResult } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A diagnostic test just completed, and its result is Passed. + The included variables provide additional information on the test." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 45 } + +xupstdOutputBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The output condition (other than OutputOverload) is out of tolerance." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 46 } + +xupstdAwaitingPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS output is off and the UPS is awaiting the return of input power." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 47 } + +xupstdOnMaintenanceBypass NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The UPS has been placed on Maintenance / Manual Bypass by an operator." + --#SEVERITY MAJOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 48 } + +xupstdCommEstablished NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsIdentModel, xupsOutputSource } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "This trap is sent when the SNMP agent first establishes a communication + link with the UPS. + The included variables provide identification and UPS status information." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 49 } + +xupstdAgentDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE + -- OBJECTS { (none) } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "This trap is sent when the SNMP agent is exiting or closing down gracefully. + This may be triggered by a signal from the OS to stop this process. In many + implementations, it will be followed quickly by a restart of this vital process." + --#SEVERITY MINOR + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 50 } + +-- New traps now managed by the Network-M2 card +xupstdOutputNotProtected NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The ups output is not protectet for any reason in the UPS." + --#SEVERITY CRITICAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 51 } + +xupstdTestTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE + OBJECTS { sysName, xupsTrapMessage } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "This trap is sent to the trap receivers to check proper reception of traps." + --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL + ::= { xupsTrapOidDefined 100 } + +-- +-- Conformance-related definitions +-- (Defined mostly to satisfy the MIB checkers.) +-- +xupsConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsMIB 100 } + +xupsIdentFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsIdentManufacturer, xupsIdentModel, + xupsIdentSoftwareVersion, xupsIdentOemCode, + xupsIdentPartNumber, xupsIdentSerialNumber } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsIdent subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 2 } + +xupsBatteryFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsBatTimeRemaining, xupsBatVoltage, xupsBatCurrent, + xupsBatCapacity, xupsBatteryAbmStatus, xupsBatteryLastReplacedDate, + xupsBatteryFailure, xupsBatteryNotPresent, xupsBatteryAged, xupsBatteryLowCapacity } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsBattery subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 3 } + +xupsInputFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsInputFrequency, xupsInputLineBads, xupsInputNumPhases, + xupsInputSource, xupsDualInputStatus, xupsSecondaryInputWatch, xupsInputStatus } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsInput subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 4 } + +xupsInputTableFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsInputPhase, xupsInputVoltage, xupsInputCurrent, xupsInputWatts, + xupsInputId, xupsInputName, xupsInputCurrentHighPrecision, xupsInputVoltagePhaseToPhase } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsInputTable subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 5 } + +xupsOutputFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsOutputLoad, xupsOutputFrequency, xupsOutputNumPhases, xupsOutputSource, + xupsOutputHourlyPowerUsage, xupsOutputCumulativePowerUsage, xupsOutputCumulativePowerUsageTimer, xupsOutputStatus } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsOutput subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 6 } + +xupsOutputTableFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsOutputPhase, xupsOutputVoltage, xupsOutputCurrent, xupsOutputWatts, + xupsOutputId, xupsOutputName, xupsOutputCurrentHighPrecision, xupsOutputPercentLoad, xupsOutputVA, xupsOutputVoltagePhaseToPhase } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsOutputTable subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 7 } + +xupsBypassFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsBypassFrequency, xupsBypassNumPhases, xupsBypassPhase, xupsBypassVoltage, xupsBypassVoltagePhaseToPhase } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsBypass subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 8 } + +xupsEnvironmentFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsEnvAmbientTemp, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, + xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit, xupsEnvAmbientHumidity } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsEnvironment subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 9 } + +xupsAlarmFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsAlarms, xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsAlarmTime } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsAlarm subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 10 } + +xupsAlarmEventsFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmNumEvents, xupsAlarmEventMsg } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of Alarm/Event history subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 11 } + +xupsTestFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsTestStart, xupsTestBatteryStatus, xupsLastGeneralTest, + xupsLastGeneralTestResult, xupsTestTrap } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsTest subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 12 } + +xupsControlFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsControlOutputOffDelay, xupsControlOutputOnDelay, + xupsControlOutputOffTrapDelay, xupsControlToBypassDelay, + xupsLoadShedSecsWithRestart, xupsSwitchable } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsControl subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 13 } + +xupsConfigFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsConfigOutputVoltage, xupsConfigInputVoltage, xupsConfigOutputWatts, + xupsConfigOutputFreq, xupsConfigDateAndTime, xupsConfigLowOutputVoltageLimit, + xupsConfigHighOutputVoltageLimit, xupsConfigInstallDate } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsConfig subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 14 } + +xupsTrapControlFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsMaxTrapLevel, xupsSendTrapType, xupsTrapMessage, + xupsHeartbeatMinsInterval } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsTrapControl subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 15 } + +xupsRecepFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsNumReceptacles, xupsRecepIndex, xupsRecepStatus, + xupsRecepOffDelaySecs, xupsRecepOnDelaySecs, + xupsRecepAutoOffDelay, xupsRecepAutoOnDelay, xupsRecepShedSecsWithRestart, + xupsRecepHourlyPowerUsage, xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsage, xupsRecepCumulativePowerUsageTimer } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsRecep subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 16 } + +xupsTopologyFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsTopologyType, xupsTopoMachineCode, + xupsTopoUnitNumber, xupsTopoPowerStrategy } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsTopology subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 17 } + +xupstdNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP + NOTIFICATIONS { xupstdControlOff, xupstdControlOn, xupstdOnBattery, xupstdLowBattery, + xupstdUtilityPowerRestored, xupstdReturnFromLowBattery, + xupstdOutputOverload, xupstdInternalFailure, xupstdBatteryDischarged, + xupstdInverterFailure, xupstdOnBypass, xupstdBypassNotAvailable, + xupstdOutputOff, xupstdInputFailure, xupstdBuildingAlarm, + xupstdShutdownImminent, xupstdOnInverter, xupstdBreakerOpen, + xupstdAlarmEntryAdded, xupstdAlarmEntryRemoved, xupstdAlarmBatteryBad, + xupstdOutputOffAsRequested, xupstdDiagnosticTestFailed, + xupstdCommunicationsLost, xupstdUpsShutdownPending, xupstdAlarmTempBad, + xupstdAlarmTestInProgress, xupstdAmbientTempBad, xupstdLossOfRedundancy, + xupstdAlarmChargerFailed, xupstdAlarmFanFailure, xupstdAlarmFuseFailure, + xupstdPowerSwitchBad, xupstdModuleFailure, xupstdOnAlternatePowerSource, + xupstdAltPowerNotAvailable, xupstdNoticeCondition, xupstdHeartbeat, + xupstdDiagnosticTestPassed, xupstdOutputBad, xupstdAwaitingPower, + xupstdOnMaintenanceBypass, xupstdCommEstablished, xupstdAgentDown, + xupstdOutputNotProtected, xupstdTestTrap } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Alarm and Event notifications from the xupsTrapDefined source (xupstd)." + ::= { xupsConformance 18 } + +xupstdEMPNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP + NOTIFICATIONS { xupstdContactActiveNotice, xupstdContactInactiveNotice, + xupstdRemoteTempBad, xupstdRemoteHumidityBad } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The EMP's Alarm and Event notifications from the xupsTrapDefined source (xupstd)." + ::= { xupsConformance 19 } + + +xupsMibFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A compliance statement for all of everything in this MIB." + MODULE -- this module + MANDATORY-GROUPS { xupsIdentFullGroup, xupsBatteryFullGroup, xupsInputFullGroup, + xupsInputTableFullGroup, xupsOutputFullGroup, xupsOutputTableFullGroup, + xupsBypassFullGroup, xupsEnvironmentFullGroup, xupsAlarmFullGroup, + xupsAlarmEventsFullGroup, xupsTestFullGroup, xupsControlFullGroup, + xupsConfigFullGroup, xupsTrapControlFullGroup, xupsRecepFullGroup, + xupsTopologyFullGroup, xupstdNotifyGroup, xupstdEMPNotifyGroup, + xupsBypassTableFullGroup, xupsInputTotalFullGroup, xupsOutputTotalFullGroup, + xupsBypassTotalFullGroup } + ::= { xupsConformance 20 } + +xupsDeprecatedGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsAlarmEventDateAndTime, xupsAlarmEventKind, + xupsAlarmEventDescr, xupsControlOutputOnTrapDelay } + STATUS deprecated + DESCRIPTION + "Contains objects which are now deprecated." + ::= { xupsConformance 21 } + +xupsBypassTableFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsBypassId, xupsBypassName, xupsBypassCurrentHighPrecision, xupsBypassWatts} + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsBypassTable subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 22 } + +xupsInputTotalFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsInputAverageVoltage, xupsInputTotalCurrent, xupsInputTotalWatts, + xupsInputTotalVA, xupsInputAveragePowerFactor } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsInputTotal subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 23 } + +xupsOutputTotalFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsOutputAverageVoltage, xupsOutputTotalCurrent, xupsOutputTotalWatts, + xupsOutputTotalVA, xupsOutputAveragePowerFactor } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsOutputTotal subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 24 } + +xupsBypassTotalFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsBypassAverageVoltage, xupsBypassTotalCurrent, xupsBypassTotalWatts, + xupsBypassTotalVA, xupsBypassAveragePowerFactor } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsOutputTotal subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 25 } + +xupsAgentFullGroup OBJECT-GROUP + OBJECTS { xupsAgentManufacturer, xupsAgentModel, + xupsAgentSoftwareVersion, xupsAgentPartNumber, xupsAgentSerialNumber } + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The Full set of xupsAgent subgroup objects." + ::= { xupsConformance 26 } + + END + diff --git a/roles/prometheus_snmp/tasks/main.yml b/roles/prometheus_snmp/tasks/main.yml index 8a37437..ea8a86f 100644 --- a/roles/prometheus_snmp/tasks/main.yml +++ b/roles/prometheus_snmp/tasks/main.yml @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ - FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB.txt - FOUNDRY-SN-ROOT-MIB.txt - FOUNDRY-SN-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB.txt + - XUPS-MIB.txt + - EATON-OIDS.txt + - EATON-EMP-MIB.txt - name: Configure prometheus-snmp-exporter generator template: