You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
3.8 KiB

; {{ aruba__model }} Configuration Editor; Created on release #{{ aruba__release }}
hostname {{ aruba__hostname | hostname | truncate(32) | enquote }}
{% if aruba__ntp_servers %}
timesync ntp
ntp unicast
{% for addr in aruba__ntp_servers %}
ntp server {{ addr | ipaddr }} iburst
{% endfor %}
{% if aruba__timezone == "Europe/Paris" %}
time daylight-time-rule western-europe
time timezone 60
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for addr in aruba__dns_servers[:2] %}
ip dns server-address priority {{ loop.index }} {{ addr | ipaddr }}
{% endfor %}
{% for domain in aruba__dns_domain_names[:5] %}
ip dns domain-name {{ domain | enquote }}
{% endfor %}
activate provision disable
activate software-update disable
{% if False %}
snmpv3 enable
snmpv3 only
snmpv3 user "re2o"
snmpv3 group ManagerPriv user "re2o" sec-model ver3
snmp-server community "public" Operator
{% endif %}
no cdp run
lldp run
set lldp_disabled =
| difference(aruba__interfaces
| dict2items
| selectattr("value.lldp", "defined")
| selectattr("value.lldp", "==", True)
| map(attribute="key"))
| list
{% if lldp_disabled %}
lldp admin-status {{ lldp_disabled | aruba_ints }} disable
{% endif %}
password manager sha1 {{ aruba__manager_password | hash("sha1") }}
{% if aruba__operator_password is defined %}
password operator sha1 {{ aruba__operator_password | hash("sha1") }}
{% endif %}
{% if aruba__ssh_enabled %}
ip ssh
{# ip ssh cipher aes256ctr #}
{# ip ssh kex ecdh-sha2-nistp521 #}
{# ip ssh mac hmac-sha2-256 #}
ip ssh filetransfer
{% else %}
no ip ssh
{% endif %}
no telnet-server
no tftp
{% if aruba__rest_enabled %}
{# FIXME: ssl #}
web-management plaintext
{% endif %}
set loop_protect =
| dict2items
| selectattr("value.loop_protect", "defined")
| selectattr("value.loop_protect")
| map(attribute="key")
| list
{% if loop_protect %}
loop-protect disable-timer {{ aruba__loop_protect_disable_timer | int }}
loop-protect transmit-interval {{ aruba__loop_protect_tx_interval | int }}
loop-protect {{ loop_protect | aruba_ints }}
{% endif %}
{% if aruba__default_gateways | ipv4 %}
ip default-gateway {{ aruba__default_gateways | ipv4 | first }}
{% endif %}
{% if aruba__default_gateways | ipv6 %}
{# ipv6 default-gateway {{ aruba__default_gateways | ipv6 | first }} #}
{% endif %}
{% for id, vlan in aruba__vlans.items() %}
vlan {{ id | int }}
{% if is defined %}
name {{ | truncate(32) | enquote }}
{% endif %}
set untagged =
| dict2items
| selectattr("value.untagged", "defined")
| selectattr("value.untagged", "==", id)
| map(attribute="key")
| list
{% if untagged %}
untagged {{ untagged | aruba_ints }}
{% endif %}
set tagged =
| dict2items
| selectattr("value.tagged", "defined")
| selectattr("value.tagged", "contains", id)
| map(attribute="key")
| list
{% if tagged %}
tagged {{ tagged | aruba_ints }}
{% endif %}
{% if vlan.addresses | default([]) %}
{% for addr in vlan.addresses | ipv4 %}
ip address {{ addr | ipaddr("host") }}
{% endfor %}
{% for addr in vlan.addresses | ipv6 %}
ipv6 address {{ addr | ipaddr("host") }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
no ip address
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for id, iface in aruba__interfaces.items() %}
interface {{ id | int }}
{% if is defined %}
name {{ | truncate(32) | enquote }}
{% endif %}
{% if iface.enabled | default(True) %}
{% else %}
no enable
{% endif %}
{# TODO: split and check speed/duplex #}
{% if iface.speed_duplex is defined %}
speed-duplex {{ iface.speed_duplex }}
{% endif %}
no flow-control
{% endfor %}