# Matrix Instagram Bridge Install the matrix bridge for instagral: https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/python/instagram/index.html This role is part of my ansible roles. It is made to interact with other roles that are listed here, and require some variables. ## Role required: - postgre (TODO: ADD LINK HERE) ## Variable required: ``` ansible_managed: str, msg indicating a file managed by ansible matrix_server_name: the matrix server name matrix_bridge_instagram_postgre_user_pwd: **SECRET** pwd for connecting to the postgre db matrix_bridge_instagram_allowed_external_user: list of external users allow to use the bridge matrix_bridge_instagram_admins: list of admins ``` ## Add role to you ansible playbook: To add this role to your project, you can use git submodules: ``` git submodule add ssh://git@gitea.auro.re:2222/Pains-Perdus/matrix-bridge-instagram.git roles/matrix-bridge-instagram git submodule init ``` ## Copyright Copyright 2021 Jean-Marie Mineau , Virgile Retault