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36 lines
764 B

.section .text._start // Make sure the linker put this at the begining of the
// .text section thanks to the `KEEP(*(.text._start))`
mrs x1, MPIDR_EL1
and x1, x1, #3
mov x2, #0
cmp x1, x2 ._exit // if core id != 0, wait forever
// Set bss to 0
ldr x0,=__bss_start
ldr x1,=__bss_end
cmp x0, x1
b.eq ._set_sp
stp xzr, xzr, [x0], #16
b ._bss_loop
// Set the stack pointer
ldr x1,=__core_stack_end // the stack goest down
mov sp, x1
// go to rust
b _start_rust
wfe // 'Wait For Event', put the cpu in low power mode
b ._exit
// define _start as a function
.size _start, . - _start
.type _start, function
.global _start