//! The memory map of the board. // use crate::utils::field::Field; pub const GPIO_OFFSET: usize = 0x0020_0000; pub const UART0_OFFSET: usize = 0x0020_1000; pub const START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE: usize = 0xFE00_0000; pub const GPIO_START: usize = START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE + GPIO_OFFSET; pub const UART0_START: usize = START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE + UART0_OFFSET; pub const UART2_START: usize = START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE + 0x0020_1400; pub const UART3_START: usize = START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE + 0x0020_1600; pub const UART4_START: usize = START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE + 0x0020_1800; pub const UART5_START: usize = START_LOW_PERIPHERAL_MODE + 0x0020_1A00;