
112 lines
5.5 KiB

{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
# Storage directory for downloaded data and related maintenance activity.
CacheDir: /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng
# Log file directory, can be set empty to disable logging
LogDir: /var/log/apt-cacher-ng
# A place to look for additional configuration and resource files if they are not
# found in the configuration directory
SupportDir: /usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng
# TCP server port for incoming http (or HTTP proxy) connections.
# Can be set to 9999 to emulate apt-proxy. Value of 0 turns off TCP server
# (SocketPath must be set in this case).
Port:{{ apt_proxy_port }}
# Addresses or hostnames to listen on. Multiple addresses must be separated by
# spaces. Each entry must be an exact local address which is associated with a
# local interface. DNS resolution is performed using getaddrinfo(3) for all
# available protocols (IPv4, IPv6, ...). Using a protocol specific format will
# create binding(s) only on protocol specific socket(s), e.g. will
# listen only to IPv4. The endpoint can also be specified as host:port (or
# [ipv6-address]:port) which allows binding on non-standard ports (Port
# directive is ignored in this case).
BindAddress: localhost {{ proxy_apt_interfaces | join(' ') }}
# The specification of another HTTP proxy which shall be used for downloads.
# It can include user name and password but see the manual for limitations.
# Default: uses direct connection
# Proxy:
# Proxy:
# Repository remapping. See manual for details.
# In this example, some backends files might be generated during package
# installation using information collected on the system.
# Examples:
Remap-debrep: file:deb_mirror*.gz /debian ; file:backends_debian # Debian Archives
Remap-uburep: file:ubuntu_mirrors /ubuntu ; file:backends_ubuntu # Ubuntu Archives
Remap-klxrep: file:kali_mirrors /kali ; file:backends_kali # Kali Linux Archives
Remap-cygwin: file:cygwin_mirrors /cygwin # ; file:backends_cygwin # incomplete, please create this file or specify preferred mirrors here
Remap-sfnet: file:sfnet_mirrors # ; file:backends_sfnet # incomplete, please create this file or specify preferred mirrors here
Remap-alxrep: file:archlx_mirrors /archlinux # ; file:backend_archlx # Arch Linux
Remap-fedora: file:fedora_mirrors # Fedora Linux
Remap-epel: file:epel_mirrors # Fedora EPEL
Remap-slrep: file:sl_mirrors # Scientific Linux
Remap-gentoo: file:gentoo_mirrors.gz /gentoo ; file:backends_gentoo # Gentoo Archives
Remap-secdeb: /debian-security ;
# Virtual page accessible in a web browser to see statistics and status
# information, i.e. under http://localhost:3142/acng-report.html
# NOTE: This option must be configured to run maintenance jobs (even when used
# via acngtool in cron scripts). The AdminAuth option can be used to restrict
# access to sensitive areas on that page.
ReportPage: acng-report.html
# Days before considering an unreferenced file expired (to be deleted).
# WARNING: if the value is set too low and particular index files are not
# available for some days (mirror downtime) then there is a risk of removal of
# still useful package files.
ExThreshold: 4
# Usually, general purpose proxies like Squid expose the IP address of the
# client user to the remote server using the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This
# behaviour can be optionally turned on with the Expose-Origin option.
ExposeOrigin: 0
# When logging the originating IP address, trust the information supplied by
# the client in the X-Forwarded-For header.
LogSubmittedOrigin: 0
# Fast fallback timeout, in seconds. This is the time to wait before
# alternative target addresses for a client connection are tried, which can be
# usefull for quick fallback to IPv4 in case of whacky IPv6 configuration.
# FastTimeout = 4
# It's possible to use use apt-cacher-ng as a regular web server with a limited
# feature set, i.e. directory browsing, downloads of any files, Content-Type
# based on /etc/mime.types, but without sorting, CGI execution, index page
# redirection and other funny things.
# To get this behavior, mappings between virtual directories and real
# directories on the server must be defined with the LocalDirs directive.
# Virtual and real directories are separated by spaces, multiple pairs are
# separated by semi-colons. Real directories must be absolute paths.
# NOTE: Since the names of that key directories share the same namespace as
# repository names (see Remap-...) it is administrator's job to avoid conflicts
# between them or explicitly create them.
# LocalDirs: woo /data/debarchive/woody ; hamm /data/debarchive/hamm
LocalDirs: acng-doc /usr/share/doc/apt-cacher-ng
# Specifies the IP protocol families to use for remote connections. Order does
# matter, first specified are considered first. Possible combinations:
# v6 v4
# v4 v6
# v6
# v4
# Default: use native order of the system's TCP/IP stack, influenced by the
# BindAddress value.
# ConnectProto: v6 v4
# Allow data pass-through mode for certain hosts when requested by the client
# using a CONNECT request. This is particularly useful to allow access to SSL
# sites (https proxying). The string is a regular expression which should cover
# the server name with port and must be correctly formated and terminated.
# Examples:
# PassThroughPattern: private-ppa\.launchpad\.net:443$
PassThroughPattern: .* # this would allow CONNECT to everything