--- - name: Ensure the directories used to store certs exist file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory group: root owner: root mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx loop: - "{{ store_directory }}" - "{{ store_directory }}/crts" - "{{ store_directory }}/keys" - name: Ensure the directory containing the cert exist file: path: "{{ directory }}" state: directory - name: Test if the key already exist stat: path: "{{ store_directory}}/keys/{{ cname }}.key" register: key_file - name: Test if the cert already exist stat: path: "{{ store_directory}}/crts/{{ cname }}.crt" register: cert_file - name: Test if we need to renew the certificate openssl_certificate_info: path: "{{ store_directory }}/crts/{{ cname }}.crt" valid_at: renewal: "{{ time_before_expiration_for_renewal }}" register: validity when: cert_file.stat.exists - name: Generate the certificate block: - name: Generate private key become: false openssl_privatekey: path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.key" mode: u=rw,g=,o= size: "{{ key_size | default(omit) }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Generate a Certificate Signing Request become: false openssl_csr: path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.csr" privatekey_path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.key" common_name: "{{ cname }}" country_name: "{{ country_name | default(omit) }}" locality_name: "{{ locality_name | default(omit) }}" state_or_province_name: "{{ state_or_province_name | default(omit) }}" organization_name: "{{ organization_name | default(omit) }}" organizational_unit_name: "{{ organizational_unit_name | default(omit) }}" email_address: "{{ email_address | default(omit) }}" basic_constraints: - CA:FALSE # syntax? basic_constraints_critical: yes key_usage: "{{ key_usage }}" key_usage_critical: yes subject_alt_name: "{{ subject_alt_name | default(omit) }}" crl_distribution_points: "{{ crl_distribution_points | default(omit) }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Put the CA in a file become: false copy: content: "{{ ca_cert }}" dest: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_ca.crt" delegate_to: localhost - name: Put the CA key in a file become: false copy: content: "{{ ca_key }}" dest: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_ca.key" mode: u=rw,g=,o= delegate_to: localhost no_log: {{ enable_no_log | default('true') }} - name: Sign the certificate become: false openssl_certificate: path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.crt" csr_path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.csr" ownca_not_after: "{{ validity_duration }}" ownca_path: /tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_ca.crt ownca_privatekey_passphrase: "{{ ca_passphrase }}" ownca_privatekey_path: /tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_ca.key provider: ownca delegate_to: localhost - name: Send private key to the server copy: src: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.key" dest: "{{ store_directory }}/keys/{{ cname }}.key" owner: "{{ owner | default('root') }}" group: "{{ group | default('root') }}" mode: "{{ key_mode | default('u=rw,g=,o=') }}" no_log: {{ enable_no_log | default('true') }} - name: Send certificate to the server copy: src: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.crt" dest: "{{ store_directory }}/crts/{{ cname }}.crt" owner: "{{ owner | default('root') }}" group: "{{ group | default('root') }}" mode: "{{ key_mode | default('u=rw,g=r,o=r') }}" # Clean up - name: Remove the local cert key become: false file: path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.key" state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove the CSR become: false file: path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.csr" state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove the local certificate become: false file: path: "/tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_{{ cname }}.crt" state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove the CA certificate become: false file: path: /tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_ca.crt state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove the CA key become: false file: path: /tmp/ansible_hacky_pki_ca.key state: absent delegate_to: localhost when: force_renewal or (not key_file.stat.exists) or (not cert_file.stat.exists) or (not validity.valid_at.renewal) - name: Create the link to cert file: src: "{{ store_directory }}/crts/{{ cname }}.crt" dest: "{{ directory }}/{{ cname }}.crt" owner: "{{ owner | default('root') }}" group: "{{ group | default('root') }}" state: link - name: Create the link to key file: src: "{{ store_directory }}/keys/{{ cname }}.key" dest: "{{ directory }}/{{ cname }}.key" owner: "{{ owner | default('root') }}" group: "{{ group | default('root') }}" state: link