2022-07-23 01:37:05 +02:00
- name: Check if pool exists
command: zpool list -Ho name {{ pool.name }}
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
check_mode: no
register: pool_exists
- name: Create pool
check_mode: no
command: >-
zpool create
{{ '-n' if ansible_check_mode else '' }}
{{ '-m ' + pool.mountpoint if pool.mountpoint is defined else '' }}
{{ pool.name }}
{% if pool.vdevs is defined %}
{% for vdev in pool.vdevs %}
{{ vdev.type }}
{% for disk in vdev.disks %}
{{ disk }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if pool.spares is defined %}
{% for disk in pool.spares %}
{{ disk }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% for disk in pool.disks %}
{{ disk }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if pool.properties is defined %}
{% for property in pool.properties | dict2items %}
-o {{ property.key }}={{ property.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
when: pool_exists.rc == 1
2022-07-23 09:51:25 +02:00
- name: Set pool compression
command: zfs set compression={{ pool.compression }} {{ pool.name }}
when: pool.compression is defined and pool_exists.rc == 1
2022-07-23 01:37:05 +02:00
- name: Create datasets in the pool
name: "{{ pool.name }}/{{ item.name }}"
extra_zfs_properties: "{{ item.properties | default(omit) }}"
state: present
loop: "{{ pool.datasets | default(omit) }}"